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Posts Tagged ‘change management’

4 Reasons You Need Executive Buy-in for Change Management

Project-related change management activities often bring to mind logistical communications and training events. Something employees often want to know during this time: “what does this project mean to me and my job?” A user’s direct management should field that type of inquiry. Employees perceive direct managers to “understand me and my job.” That’s just a small […]

Compelling Shared Visions Lead the Way for Organizational Change

I look forward to going to work every day. I know that sounds trite, but it is true. I have not always been able to say that. Don’t get me wrong – not everything about my job is easy or fun. Like the long walks down the sky bridge to catch my early morning flights, […]

Data Science Model Presentation

3 Reasons to Start Change Management Work Early

Have you ever been cooking and realized somewhere along the process that you missed a key ingredient? Once you’ve figured it out, you’re left with three options: Start over. Skip the ingredient altogether. Throw it in anyway and hope for the best. When we choose the third option, our dish usually doesn’t taste quite like […]

3 Reasons Change Management Isn’t Just Communication and Training

I hear it all the time. Change management is “just communication and training.” I cringe. Just communication and training? No wonder our projects continue to fail to achieve adoption levels that are both desired and critical to meeting the established ROI goals. I’ve worked in organizational change management for two decades. I’ll grant you that […]

Nearshore Agile Teams

5 Common Change Management Mistakes to Avoid

When companies implement new technologies or change existing processes, employees must be prepared to work in new and different ways. Without proper change management, disruption ensues at go-live. The user experience is abysmal. Projects fail. The value of a new technology is minimized because people don’t use the capabilities it affords. Processes become bookshelf material. […]

The Secret Ingredient to Digital Transformation: Your People

Digital innovation continues to disrupt industries at lightning speed. Today’s organizations are transforming their entire business – from strategy to operations, technology to culture – to better deliver value to their customers. In 2017, we compiled the top 10 trends leaders needed to know when it came to their digital transformation journey. In this 10-week […]

Change Management Tips, Emoji, Omnichannel Experiences, and more

What You Missed in Salesforce News — April 16, 2018 Salesforce Acquires Mulesoft and Announces Integration Cloud Think About the “Who”: Tips for Using Change Management for a Successful Transition to Lightning The Need for a Seamless Shopping Experience Dealing with the Disengaged: Transforming Unhappy Staff into Productive and Engaged Employees Pardot Introduces Emoji 8 […]

Leading Organizational Change – Art or Science?

For better or worse, leading organizational change – especially for an external consultant – tends to carry a certain mystique. Perhaps this exists because some aspects of organizational change are intangible, unplanned, and require intuition. Thus, leaders seek out a consultant who can spread “magic dust” throughout the organization to get people to change and […]

3 Fatal Fallacies – How to Maximize the Value of OCM

There’s an overwhelming amount of data showing that implementing an organizational change management (OCM) effort, based on proven best practices, provides significant value. If that’s the case, why are so many organizations failing to realize the expected benefits? Is there some lesson that can be taken from these failed OCM implementations that will help other […]

NASCAR and Successful Organizational Change – Both Fueled by Strong Sponsors

NASCAR is a fascinating sport. The thunder of roaring engines, speed of racing cars, and energy of cheering crowds. To me, I notice that every car, driver, and pit crew are covered with stickers and patches of logos from sponsors. These sponsors provide the teams with financial and promotional support to connect with their fans […]

What’s Your (Sustainment) Plan?

One of the most important, yet often overlooked, components in any Change Management endeavor is what we at Perficient call the “Sustainment Phase.” It’s the fourth phase (of four) of our Change Management methodology, and it’s all about ensuring that whatever change we’re implementing is just that – sustained – over the long haul. Few […]

Change Management – Making it Real

When done right, Change Management can make all the difference in a project’s success. Prosci repeatedly surveys the industry, and the results are consistent – projects with effective Change Management are six times more likely to be successful than those that don’t. That success in meeting business objectives, scope and timeline drives ROI, which is […]

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