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Posts Tagged ‘BrainJocks’

Bj Blog Hdr Gdpr01 092018

Baby Steps: Easing Your Way to GDPR Compliance

In the current technology and information climate, more and more users want their vendors to have safeguards and processes in place to ensure data protection.

Site Scalability For Growth

Built to Scale: Harnessing Your CMS for Growth

Choosing the right CMS and technology partner can help you plan for the challenges of growing your business. Being prepared for the evolution of your customer’s expectations can give your company a sustainable competitive advantage.

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Enterprise Accelerator: Versioning

Take your Enterprise Accelerator to Level 4…if automation is the “what”, versioning is the “how’! Learn how to version in .NET and build on your scaffolding and helix solution strategies.

Bj Blog Hdr Userfirstd E 062018

User First Design. User First Experience.

Business users are bringing their consumer purchasing power with them to the office. They expect instantaneous results. Designers need to find a balance between meeting this expectation and creating an interface that isn’t cluttered.

B2b Pattern Personalization

Personalization Progression: B2B Patterns in Sitecore

With pattern personalization in Sitecore, marketers can match visitors to a user type and deliver personalized content in real-time.

Personalization Progression: The Power of Account-Based Marketing

With 97% of marketers saying account based marketing had higher ROI than other marketing activities, it’s critical to invest in ABM and personalization as a tactic to drive conversions.

Bj Blog Explicitpersonalization 072018 01

Personalization Progression: Explicit Personalization for B2B

The overarching concept of personalization is to improve the customer experience on a site by utilizing information to present unique content that’s specific to each individual site visitor’s needs.

B2b Personalization

Sitecore Special: B2B Personalization Progression

There is a great opportunity for B2B customers who have Sitecore to get ahead of the game by leveraging both rules-based personalization and pattern personalization within the system to deliver an experience tailored to those individual needs.

Bj Blog Hdr Macropersonalization 062018

Macro Personalization – Meeting Your Customer’s Expectations

With SCORE’s streamlined user interface and the use of Atomic Design fundamentals, content teams are instantly more efficient – and personalization becomes that much more accessible.

Bj Blog Hdr Vocdata 062018 Vb

Ask and You Shall Receive: Making your VoC data actionable

One of the best ways to determine what you should be doing to deliver an outstanding customer experience is to leverage the voice of the customer, or VoC. VoC is a term used to describe the process of gathering and acting upon feedback from your customers.


Enterprise Accelerator: Helix Solution Structure

Helix is an architectural pattern outlined by Sitecore to help guide developers into organizing their solutions in a consistent and flexible manner.Each tenant website that we introduce to the CMS should be thought of as living within the Project layer.

Jttc Boost Performance Sitecore 01

Making Atoms Easy with Macro Renderings

In previous posts, we have discussed how Snippets can make your life easier.   Well, there’s another feature we’ve added to SCORE to make using Snippets easier even for the most novice content administrator – macro renderings. The Opportunity Atomic design provides flexibility for user experience and empowers content authors to change not only content but […]

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