Virtualization of Lync Server 2013 is both supported and very common, yet understanding the proper way to virtualize the system becomes a complicated conversation. The gap between high level virtualization requirements outlined by Microsoft and the more specific details virtualization experts are requiring is quite large. The conversation normally goes like this in its simplest […]
Jason Sloan
I currently hold the Microsoft Certified Master on Lync Server 2010 certificatoin and work as a Senior Technical Consultant at Perficient, specializing in Unified Communications design and deployments. My history in IT dates back 15 years with all my experience coming primarily from Microsoft Technologies. I believe the Microsoft Unified Communiations community is a very close and talented group of engineers who genuinely enjoy the technologies and collaborating with one another to help the technologies dominate the marketplace.
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Blogs from this Author
Lync Server 2013 Contributes to Perficient’s FlexJobs Award
Just recently, Perficient was named as a top 100 company for a remote job by FlexJobs. (Read About It) Being I work from home (as most people do in my field), I definitely felt Perficient was well deserving of this award. Although the FlexJobs criteria didn’t ask “what kind of tools do Perficient employees use […]
Ringing in the New Year with Skype (Lync) for Business
This morning Microsoft lifted the curtains to finally unveil what everyone knew was inevitable; Lync Server now becomes “Skype for Business”. This is actually the second go around for the “Skype for Business” name, prior to the Microsoft acquisition Skype tried to enter the “Business” realm with a business offering…yeah, that didn’t work out to […]
#Lync and the Impacts of Windows XP
It’s no secret Microsoft is doing the same to XP as the bad boy trio from Office Space did to that poor Printer. The deprecation of XP will have an impact on organizations for various reasons, some of which I’m not qualified to speak in depth about, but a key topics on the wire as […]
Cargill Showcasing at #Lync Conference
Lync Conference 2014 came and went this year with great success. Over the course of 3 days, it was impossible to attend all the breakout sessions because there were so many. To get caught up and watch the sessions you may have missed, they are now posted on the MicrosoftLync YouTube Channel. I recommend […]
Lync Conference 2014…Your Chance to Grill the Experts
Starting this upcoming Monday, February 17, Lync Conference 2014 goes into full swing through the 20th. Experts from all over the world will be presenting, demoing, answering questions and having a good time representing the world of Lync. The Lync community as a whole are just a bunch of geeks who love what they do […]
Lync – A Tale of Stretching the Limits of Supportability
This blog post will highlight the infrastructure abilities of Lync when thinking a bit outside of the box on how to design Lync to meet very specific needs. It’s not that I am condoning deploying Lync outside of supportability, but rather just showing that Lync truly can be flexible. I recently finished up a global deployment […]
Mobile upgrade time, what to do? Windows Phone, it might be time.
I’m taking a break from Lync blogging to address this…situation I’m in. So, as the title states, my contract is up and its time to run through the mobile debate once again. If there is stress in my life right now, it isn’t the consulting work or raising 2 boys who are destined to destroy my […]
Lync Server – Install-CSDatabase error
With Lync Server 2013, the recommendation is to keep the OS on the C: drive and deploy Lync to a secondary drive running Raid 10. When you ask for server provisioning with the requested drive layout you’ll receive your server with a second drive such as a D: or E: drive, or whatever your standard build calls for. […]
Lync Server 2013 – Annoying LS DATA MCU 41029 Error
Starting with Lync Server 2010 and now with Lync Server 2013, Certificate management was much improved over previous OCS platforms with the ability to itemize certificates across the environment. More specifically, on the Lync Server Front ends you can now apply up to 3 unique certificates to each server. A description is provided for each certificate below: […]
Using Fiddler to troubleshoot Lync Mobile Client
Troubleshooting and reading the logs on the Lync Mobile client is in my opinion, very cumbersome. I find myself staring at the logs trying to decipher the cryptic messages, reformatting the text in notepad, scrolling to left and right repeatedly,… well, you get the idea, it simply isn’t any fun. I was recently challenged with […]
Lync Server 2013 SQL Mirroring “Gotcha” – Must Read
For quite some time now, I’ve been working on a global design/deployment where there are multiple pools located throughout the globe. Throughout this design, I’ve seen the flexibility of Lync Server 2013 at its very finest and gained a much better appreciation for how Lync Server was designed by the Product Team at Microsoft. Due […]