As Perficient continues to be a very strong player in the Healthcare IT consulting space, the issue of where data can/will reside is an important question on how to architect solutions from raw BI to CRM related data across the enterprise. Just the question of the cloud itself can be confusing to people. Take the Citrix survey that found “51 percent of respondents, …believe stormy weather can interfere with cloud computing”. According to Kim DeCarlis, VP Corporate Marketing for Citrix, “The most important takeaway from this survey is that the cloud is viewed favorably by the majority of Americans, and when people learn more about the cloud they understand it can vastly improve the balance between their work and personal lives.” So that is the good news. In healthcare there continues to be many new and changing regulations that can change peoples’ impressions on what data can/should be shared and stored where and when.
Microsoft’s vision for cloud technology in the healthcare space is, “Microsoft wants to be your Trusted Data Steward. We employ cutting edge technology complemented by years of experience, visionary research, and rigorous diligence, enabling you to address the implementation of technical, physical and administrative safeguards required by HIPAA. We do so by embedding security and privacy enabling functionality in our software to complement the security and privacy safeguards within our facilities and throughout our administrative processes.”
Microsoft has published a white paper describing in detail their position around the cloud, in particular for Office 365 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Take a look and let me know your thoughts. Many more details to come about how Perficient can help organizations offer solutions to track patient related marketing information in the cloud by using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online in the coming weeks. Some very cool stuff!