In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of components, how to create them, and best practices for building modular, reusable UIs. Why Vue Components Are Essential for Building Scalable UIs Components are a core feature of Vue.js, known for its simplicity and flexibility. They serve as the building blocks of Vue applications, enabling developers to […]
Front-End Development
How Middleware Transforms Request Handling in Web Development
What is Middleware? Middleware is like a helper that runs before your web server finishes handling a request. It can modify the request or response, such as changing data, changing where the request goes, or modifying how things look. Middleware runs before the server looks for cached content or matches the request to a specific […]
Bun 1.0: Transforming JavaScript Development with Speed and Efficiency
In the ever-evolving landscape of JavaScript development, speed, efficiency, and simplicity are the key players. Enter Bun 1.0, a groundbreaking JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed to elevate your development process to unparalleled heights. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the world of Bun 1.0, exploring its features, benefits, and how it is reshaping […]
Why Immutability Matters in Redux: A Guide to Better State Management
Introduction Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, relies on the principle of immutability to manage state changes efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore what immutability is, why it’s crucial in the context of Redux, and how it simplifies state management. Understanding Immutability Immutability refers to the state of being unchangeable. In the […]
Creating a Dual List Box Component in Vue.js
A dual list box is a commonly used UI component in Vue.js that allows users to select items from one list (the source) and move them to another (the destination). This component is ideal for scenarios where users need to select multiple items from a large list, offering functionality to filter, search, and select items […]
Introduction to State Handling Excellence in React- A Developer’s Perspective
Handling an application’s state, or state management, plays an essential role in creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces and effectively executing business logic. React offers numerous state management methods for storing and updating data, making it a popular web development technology. Think of it like different ice cream flavors: some people like chocolate (Redux), some […]
Understanding Debouncing and Throttling in JavaScript – A Comprehensive Guide
Throttling and debouncing are two essential optimization strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the concepts of debouncing and throttling, explore their use cases, and understand how to implement them in JavaScript. Debouncing Explained What is Debouncing? Debouncing is a programming technique used to prevent time-consuming operations from running too frequently, which might […]
Best Practices for Structuring Redux Applications
Redux has become a staple in state management for React applications, providing a predictable state container that makes it easier to manage your application’s state. However, as applications grow in size and complexity, adopting best practices for structuring your Redux code becomes crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore these best practices and demonstrate how to […]
Exploring Next.js Conf by Vercel: New Features in Version 15 and Their Significance
I’ve been working with Next.Js for a quite a while and have been watching its development with interest all this time. Last week I was happy attended Next.js Conf in San Francisco. Perficient was proud to sponsor the event, allowing us to showcase our Sitecore Practice alongside my colleague David Lewis from the Optimizely Practice. […]
Customize Quill.js and Error Handling in Vue.js
In my previous blog, Rich Text Editor in Vue Application: Using Quill.js, we covered the fundamentals of setting up Quill.js in a Vue.js application to create a rich text editor. This blog will build on that foundation by diving deeper into Quill.js customization in Vue.js to meet specific needs. By the end of this tutorial, […]
Rich Text Editor in Vue Application: Using Quill.js
Rich text editors are essential for many web applications, allowing users to format text, add links, and even insert media directly into their content. Quill.js is a powerful, customizable open-source editor that integrates seamlessly with modern frameworks like Vue.js. This tutorial will walk us through the steps to set up and integrate Quill.js in a […]
Vue.js Location Autocomplete: Integration Guide
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to achieve Vue.js Location Autocomplete by integrating the Google Maps Places Autocomplete API with a custom Geo Location component. We’ll walk you through each step to set up the Vue.js Location Autocomplete feature, manage user input, and bind it to Vue’s v-model for smooth two-way data binding. Prerequisites for […]