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Culture & Community

Volunteers Arranging Donations In A Community Charity Donation Center

Interested in making a difference? Get Involved!

Giving back to your community is important! Here is why: Donating your time to support those around you is extremely beneficial, both for you and your community. Working alongside fellow colleagues who also care about improving their surroundings will allow you to broaden your network. Additionally, it will help you to better understand the circumstances […]

Businesswoman walking into an office to have a tough conversation with a co-worker.

Tough Conversations – Addressing Things Head On

I’ve always had an intrapreneurial spirit in the jobs I’ve held. In some roles, I have been given autonomy with the ability to set North Star goals and chase them. In other roles, I’ve found myself building up consensus and bubbling ideas upward. This has involved some tough conversations. If you’ve checked my other blog […]

Heads Of Two People With Colourful Shapes Of Abstract Brain

How Perficient India applied Protégé Effect & Sherlock Instinct in Infosec Training

The Beginning: Employee 1: “Congratulations on winning the Super Bowl lottery question.” Employee 2: “Thanks, man. It was a very easy question.” Employee 1: “It might be simple question for you but at crucial moment, you can protect the whole company with the answer.” Protege Effect When it comes to crucial timing during an examination, […]

Family Graduation

How Hannah Kim Leads Colleagues Through Perficient’s People Promise

As a senior talent development consultant, Hannah Kim manages the organizational performance process at Perficient. She is instrumental in creating mentorship programs and resources for colleagues to continue advancing their skills. Through her leadership, Hannah also guides new colleagues as they complete the onboarding process. She exemplifies the core values embedded in Perficient’s People Promise […]

Happy Biracial Businesswoman Freelancer Sit By Computer At Comfy Workplace

The Desk Jockey’s Dilemma

In the age of remote work and digital connectivity, our workdays have become synonymous with long hours spent sitting at our home office desks. While the convenience of working from home has its perks, the sedentary nature of this lifestyle can take a toll on our health and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore […]

Stephanie Sterling.1

People of Perficient: Meet Stephanie Sterling, Healthcare Business Operations Manager

Our global colleagues bring an unmatched level of dedication, passion, and drive to every project and deliverable. Through Perficient’s industry expertise in healthcare, we can make a difference for patients, care teams, and their families. Healthcare organizations play an integral role in providing equitable access to care options, and Perficient is uniquely positioned to equip […]


Celebrating Chile’s Independence Day: A Taste of Tradition and Patriotism

Chile Independence Day, also known as “Fiestas Patrias,” is a cherished national holiday that captures the heart and soul of Chilean culture. On the 18th of September each year, Chileans come together to commemorate their country’s declaration of independence from Spanish rule in 1810. How does Chile celebrate Independence Day? This lively celebration is a […]

Perficient Mexico Offsite 2023: Team Bonding and Barbecue

Today, September 7th, 2023, in commemoration of the Mexico team’s first year of joining Perficient, I’m sharing one of my favorite events (I’m sure it’s a favorite for many of my peers as well) that integrates and connects the team in a dynamic, joyful and lively environment. One of the most highly anticipated events for […]

Culture Voiceisheard

Perficient’s Global Footprint Enables Genuine Connection and Collaboration

With more than 7,500 colleagues and dozens of global locations, Perficient is making genuine and meaningful connections across the world. Through Perficient’s promise to challenge, champion, and celebrate all colleagues, our company remains a top workplace in the eyes of our people. We take pride in creating a diverse work environment that celebrates and enables […]

Innovation. Hands Holding Light Bulb For Concept New Idea Concept With Innovation And Inspiration, Innovative Technology

Gamified InfoSec Awareness Program @ Perficient India – It’s Different!

How did it start? Let me set the stage first. Arun and I (Gayathri) are part of the global compliance partners team that supports InfoSec (information security) initiatives at Perficient India. One fine morning in early-July: Gayathri: So, Arun, we have completed providing our data evidences for the global ISO 27001 audit, what next? Arun: […]


Cultural Connections ERG Celebrates Onam 2023 at Chennai Towers

          A Reason to celebrate is again here – Cultural Connections ERG Chennai arranged for the Onam celebrations 2023 at Chennai Towers. A lot of planning and hardship went into making these celebrations colorful, fun filled and to have an everlasting impact in our memories for life. Preparations started a day […]

Group Photo Feature Image

Volunteer Experience Turned Into a Night with Perficient and the “Extra Special People” Organization

When the Atlanta Giving ERG team was brainstorming volunteer ideas, Eric Courtney, associate business coordinator in our Sitecore consulting group, mentioned an organization that everyone immediately agreed they wanted to sponsor – a dinner with members and staff of Extra Special People (ESP). According to ESP, the organization “exists to create transformative experiences for people […]

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