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Stan Tarnovskiy

Solutions Architect at Perficient

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Blogs from this Author

IoT development with Windows 10 and Raspberry Pi – What you need

This is my second blog article covering Windows 10 IoT Core. See the first part here: So, you decided to develop your first IoT (embedded) application using Windows 10 IoT Core. Awesome! What do you need for that? Surprisingly, not that much. First, you need a device, a IoT board. At the moment, Windows […]

Windows 10 IoT editions explained

Windows has a long history of deployments outside of traditional desktop (or laptop) computers. Embedded versions of Windows existed for a long time, powering check registers, kiosks, outdoor displays and even car entertainment systems. Pretty much every version of Windows is recent times had it’s embedded incarnation (XP, 7, 8 and now 10). The OS […]

Azure: Did You Know? Block vs Page Blobs

Azure storage service supports two types of blobs (blob, or BLOB, stand for Binary Large OBject, i.e. an unstructured binary data): block and page blobs. Blob type is selected when blob is created and then it can’t be changed. Although both blob types allow for storage of large binary objects in Azure, they are optimized […]

Azure: Did You Know? Hybrid Connections as VPN Alternative

In real life cloud deployment scenarios one of the very common cases is when only part of the application resides in the cloud. Usually, it’s when there is a legacy system which can’t be migrated to the cloud and resides on premises, or it’s not optimal to deploy entire system to the cloud. After all, […]

Azure: Did You Know? No Integrated Authentication in SQL Azure

Microsoft Azure SQL Database is very similar to on-premises SQL Server, but there are a few key differences. One of these difference is that SQL Azure doesn’t support integrated authentication (i.e. when caller is identified by its domain account). I assume this is a technical limitation which could be explained by the lack of domain […]

Azure: Did You Know? Always On Web Apps

When you creating a new web app (or web site, how it used to be called until recently) it’s have “Always On” setting off by default, which means the web site will be recycled after period of inactivity (20 minutes). This setting is somewhat similar to “Idle Time-out” setting on IIS application pool.When you web […]

Introducing Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Today, during annual Microsoft Build conference keynote, Microsoft’s own Scott Guthrie (executive VP  of cloud and enterprise group) introduced new Azure service which is going to be available in public preview in June: Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Large enterprise today can’t effectively function without big data realtime analytics. Realtime analytics means processing large amounts of […]

Working with dynamic schema in Azure DocumentDB

About a week ago Azure DocumentDB, a new Microsoft’s entry into NoSql database market, become generally available. DocumentDB allows user to to store/update/delete arbitrary objects (as complex as needed, not limited by relation structure) and query these objects using a special (quite limited) flavor of SQL (yes, SQL!) or LINQ when it’s used from .NET. […]

Creating Microsoft FIM Management Agent: lessons learned

Microsoft FIM (Frontend Identity Manager) is a popular enterprise product which is allowing to automate user creation, provisioning and de-provisioning in Microsoft Active Directory. FIM has many out-of-the-box extension connectors which allows for connecting FIM to external systems (like external user catalogs), including a set of web services. When out-of-the-box connectors are not sufficient, it’s […]

Supercomputer in the cloud: Azure G-series VMs

In January, Microsoft announced the general availability of a new, top-tier of Azure virtual machines: the G-series. These are some really powerful machines. The top configuration, G5, has Intel Xeon E5 CPU with 32 cores, 448 GB RAM and 6,144 GB SSD disk and it costs $9.65/hr to use. Considering how powerful the computer is, […]

Microsoft acquired Sunrise Calendar app

Microsoft is continuing its cross-platform productivity applications push. For a long time Microsoft was developing applications only for its own operating system (Windows) with an exception of MacOS/OSX (which was likely due to monopoly accusations) . But recently things are changing in a big way. Microsoft could no longer ignore extremely popular mobile OSes like Android […]

Universal, Touch-Friendly Office Released for Windows 10

Windows 10 maybe not be coming until later this year, but Microsoft is busy at work building application for it, including probably the most important consumer application – Microsoft Office. Yesterday Microsoft released early preview builds of Universal (meaning that it will run on any flavor of Windows 10 – desktop or mobile) Office applications for […]

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