As a marketer, you have more ways to connect and engage with your customers than ever before. All of these interactions across a wide variety of channels translate to being flooded with data about your customers. With all of this data available, only a small percentage of companies have tapped into its potential to move […]
Stephanie Gallina – Senior Manager, Microsoft + CXC Partner Marketing
Stephanie has more than 15 years' experience in marketing communications, leading and executing marketing strategies for corporate and non-profit organizations. She elevates the awareness of relevant digital solution topics and thought leadership for Perficient.
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Blogs from this Author
Magento Paving the Way for B2B Commerce Success
According to Frost & Sullivan, B2B eCommerce sales are estimated to reach $12 trillion globally by 2020. The market opportunity is one of many motivating factors for B2B companies to improve and re-platform their eCommerce sites. Don’t believe it? Then, consider this: 85% of B2B companies invested in improving their eCommerce sites in 2015 (Forrester) […]
Improving the Omni-Channel Experience with PIM-Commerce, Part 1
Last year, 85% of B2B companies invested in improving their eCommerce sites. While a number of factors are influencing this trend, one of the most significant may be the market opportunity. Online B2B eCommerce will grow from $780 billion (in 2015) to $1 trillion by 2020 – Forrester Research Investing in a best-in-breed solution for […]
The Beauty of Personalization (When It Hits the Bulls-eye)
Over the past decade, personalized marketing has evolved rapidly, and marketers are seeing the benefit. Results include increased conversion rates and sales, greater customer loyalty, and even smarter spend of marketing dollars. Companies that have implemented personalization report a 14% uplift in sales – Econsultancy / Adobe, 2014 Targeting your customers with a personalized experience removes […]
Top 7 Challenges of Establishing a B2B Commerce Site
Rising consumer expectations in the always-on digital world have greatly influenced the experience for B2B commerce. Buyers on the business side expect a digital commerce experience where: • Products are easy to find • Buying process is simple and efficient • Order fulfillment is fast and accurate However, manufacturers and distributors struggle to deliver an […]
Top Trends to Watch in B2B Commerce: Part 4
Today’s B2B commerce transactions need to be streamlined, providing an experience that’s quick, reliable and efficient to satisfy changing buyer expectations. However, the customer experience on your eCommerce site depends heavily on your platform and how it integrates with all of your other systems. An optimized, personalized B2B buying experience that provides an environment for […]
Top Trends to Watch in B2B Commerce: Part 3
Traditional B2B selling channels have remained influential over the years. However, the rapid adoption of digital technologies and increasing buyer expectations have upped the ante for B2B sellers. Today’s B2B commerce transactions need to be streamlined, providing an experience that’s quick, reliable and efficient to satisfy changing buyer expectations. In parts 1 and 2 of […]
How Analytics Help Move the Sales Needle for Your Business
How effective is your digital marketing? It’s the multi-million-dollar question over which CMOs and Digital Marketing Managers lose sleep. Vanity metrics have typically been the first line of defense to justify marketing efforts to the C-Suite. You’re familiar with these – things like number of page views, blog comments, impressions, downloads and click-through rates. But […]
AEM Mobile Roadshow Arrives in the “Big D”
Since the beginning of June, Anton Zuponcic and Lynn Brading of Perficient have hit the road for a cross-country tour to showcase our expertise with Adobe Experience Manager Mobile. Our team built a proof of concept (POC) for a patient engagement app called DailyDose. When they came through Dallas this week, I caught up with […]
Top Trends to Watch in B2B Commerce: Part 2
B2B companies realize there’s an advantage to stepping up their digital commerce experience. With B2B commerce sales estimated to reach $1 trillion globally by 2020, it’s important to consider and adapt the top trends that will grow your digital commerce. In part 1, we revealed the importance of optimizing the B2B digital commerce experience and […]
Understanding the Value of PIM and Commerce
In the always-on digital world we live in, the convenience of mobile devices and online commerce have evolved the simplest tasks like calling a cab, ordering takeout, or shopping at our favorite stores. Because we all participate in online commerce on a daily basis, we have certain standards of what qualifies as an exceptional or […]
Making Connections that Matter in Healthcare: AEM Mobile
The healthcare industry has been in a constant state of change the last several years, from new laws and regulations to technologies and medicine. To top it off, patient behavior has drastically changed. According to a Commonwealth Fund study, the average American visits the doctor only four times per year and that number is declining. […]