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Dave Ambrose

Dave has spent more than 20 years developing software for the web and has been working with Sitecore since 2015 with his first certification in 2016. In his spare time, he enjoys time with his family as well as golf, racing, and being the coordinator for a High School VEX Robotics program.

Blogs from this Author

Tackling the Unknown: My Experience at the 2023 Sitecore Hackathon

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of technology, it’s essential to continually challenge ourselves and embrace new opportunities. The 2023 Sitecore Hackathon provided the perfect opportunity for our team at Perficient to do just that. Comprised of three members from the United States, Canada, and Serbia, we embarked on a 24-hour journey to create something innovative. […]

How Next Level Automation Will Shape Devops For The Better

Automating Front-End Builds with a Windows Shortcut

If you’re a front-end developer, you know that building and deploying your code can be a time-consuming process. But what if you could automate the entire process with just a few clicks? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use a Windows shortcut to checkout the master branch, clean up your repository with […]

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Troubleshooting Docker Connectivity Issues

If you’re planning on working with Sitecore 10.3 locally, you may run into issues when setting up a Docker container. One problem you might encounter when setting up Sitecore Docker is when trying to pull packages down, such as the .NET SDK, you might get an error that says “The remote name could not be […]

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Delivering Sitecore Media Items as a Compressed ZIP

The task at hand At some point as a developer, you might need to combine multiple Sitecore Media Library items into a compressed ZIP and deliver it on the fly to the end-user. In my use case, I had a client that wanted to build out an asset library for the press to use when […]

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Creating a Custom Sitecore Pipeline Processor

Customization is Crucial One of the essential customization concepts in Sitecore is the ability to customize the flow of the application globally without having to add a rendering to every page or include code in a universal layout. Creating a custom Sitecore pipeline processor gives developers a way to inject their custom code into the […]