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Streamlining Marketing Success: The Benefits for Optimizely One with Perficient

Optimizely One Perficient

As an Optimizely expert, I eagerly anticipate this time of year due to the exciting Optimizely events happening worldwide. These include Opticon, the main conference for customers, the Optimizely OMVP Summit, a developer meetup, and the Optimizely Hackathon. During these events, we learn about new product releases and discover innovative ways to drive success for our customers. This year, I’m particularly excited about how far we’ve advanced with Optimizely One in collaboration with Perficient, which is described as an operating system for marketing teams.

Will you be at Opticon 2024? Perficient will see you there!

In this article, we’ll explore why organizations should consider moving to a single platform for their marketing efforts to achieve success using Optimizely One with Perficient, and discuss the challenges they face when using too many tools across various teams, leading to ineffective outcomes.

In large organizations, teams often work in silos, focusing only on their specific areas of websites and apps. This can lead to several issues. For one, it creates communication barriers, making it hard for teams to collaborate effectively. This lack of collaboration can result in duplicated efforts, inefficiencies, and a fragmented customer experience. Additionally, using different systems and tools across teams complicates data and process integration. This fragmentation makes it challenging to create a seamless omnichannel experience, as unifying customer interactions across various touchpoints becomes difficult.

As a result, driving accelerated growth is tough when teams and systems aren’t aligned, preventing the organization from reaching its full potential and delivering a cohesive, high-quality customer experience.

When teams work in isolation, several problems can arise, significantly impacting customer experience and hindering growth:

  1. Communication Barriers: Teams struggle to share information effectively, leading to inconsistent messaging and a fragmented customer experience.
  2. Fragmented Customer Data: Different systems make it hard to integrate customer data, resulting in an incomplete view of customer interactions and preventing personalized, seamless experiences.
  3. Reduced Collaboration: Siloed teams miss out on synergies and collaborative opportunities, stifling innovation and limiting the organization’s potential.
  4. Inconsistent Customer Experience: Independent management of customer journey aspects can lead to delays, confusion, or inconsistent service, eroding trust and loyalty.
  5. Barriers to Growth: Misalignment of teams and systems around common goals hinders the organization’s ability to scale and adapt quickly, slowing decision-making and response to market changes.

Many organizations are shifting away from piecing together various products to build their marketing technology systems. Instead, they are consolidating into a digital experience platform that simplifies collaboration and enhances success across the entire organization. These technologies become the marketing operating system, empowering your organization by integrating all tools needed to boost your brand’s growth.

What is a Marketing Operating System?

A marketing operating system is a comprehensive platform that integrates all the tools and processes needed to plan, execute, and analyze marketing activities. It combines various aspects of marketing operations, such as data management, campaign planning, content development, experimentation/personalization, and AI capabilities, into a single, cohesive system. This operating system helps streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and provide a unified view of cross team collaboration, enabling better decision-making and more effective marketing strategies.

Introduced last year, Optimizely One is an industry-first operating system for marketing teams.

To learn how to gain the most value from Optimizely One with Perficient, contact us today.

Products Aligned With The Marketing Lifecycle in Optimizely One

Optimizely Products Perficient

How Does Optimizely One Streamline Your Organization’s Marketing Success?

Organizations seek a comprehensive marketing operating system for several key reasons:

  • Efficiency and Cost Savings:

    By integrating all marketing functions into one platform, organizations can reduce overhead costs and improve operational efficiency. Optimizely One helps you drive real business outcomes such as:

    • Boost Revenue: Generate more income with captivating content and personalized commerce experiences that resonate with customers and provide measurable results for marketers.
    • Lower Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC): Cut down on the expenses of gaining new customers by implementing tests that reliably boost conversion rates.
    • Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Minimize expenses by utilizing a single, comprehensive platform.
  • Unified Workflow and Collaboration:

    A single platform streamlines the entire marketing process, from planning to execution and analysis, reducing the complexity and inefficiencies of managing multiple tools. Optimizely One includes the Content Marketing Platform (CMP) which enables organizations to collaborate using:

    • Campaign Planning: Using a single marketing system enhances workflows and collaboration across organizations of any size by streamlining processes, ensuring consistent communication, and integrating efforts seamlessly across all teams and channels.
    • Intelligent Workflows: The content marketing platform leverages a content orchestration process and automation to optimize tasks like content creation, tagging, and distribution, making processes more efficient and reducing manual effort. By adopting a unified marketing system, organizations of any size can streamline workflows and enhance collaboration, ensuring consistent communication and integrated efforts across all teams and channels. This approach not only boosts productivity but also drives better outcomes, supporting the overall goal of delivering a cohesive and high-quality customer experience.
    • Omnichannel Publishing: Effortlessly share your content across multiple content channel. Optimizely CMP connects with popular platforms like CMS and social media tools, making it easy to publish content across multiple channels and track their performance analytics.
  • Data Integration Across CRM, Content, Commerce and Marketing Automation:

    Consolidating data from various sources into one system provides a holistic view of customer interactions, enabling more accurate insights and personalized marketing efforts. Optimizely One solves this with the Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) by leveraging:

    • Integrations for All Data Systems: The Optimizely Data Platform integrates data from all your tools into a single, unified customer profile, enabling segmentation and customer insights that can be leveraged for personalized marketing campaigns. There are many out of the box integrations but custom integrations can also be created using Optimizely’s API framework.
    • Advanced Audience Targeting and Reporting: Know beforehand the population of the targeted audience to better understand the reach and impact of your experiments. This enables experimentation and personalization to target audiences and measure the outcomes of your marketing campaigns.
    • Predictive Personalization Insights: Predict the individual customer’s intent with machine learning and launch omnichannel personalization for content, products, or email marketing. This can automate the next best step at every interaction and generate real-time relevance, at the point of email open or page load.
  • Improved Customer Experience:

    With a comprehensive view of customer data and interactions, organizations can deliver more relevant and engaging experiences across all content, commerce and email marketing campaigns. To help with this Optimizely One includes the CMS, Commerce and Personalization tools working together in a simple platform.

    • Content Management (CMS): To improve speed-to-market, generate and publish new content using a tried-and-true CMS without requiring any development work. Leverages real-time, on-page editing, which includes web layout, eliminates guesswork and previews. Includes content governance process to ensure products, content and layout are approved by using workflows to manage publishing approval.
    • B2B and B2C Commerce: Optimizely Commerce has adaptable checkout procedures to improve conversions and personalize the checkout experience for your customers. This combined shipping, fulfillment, and payment choices to raise conversion rates and boost client happiness.
    • Personalize with Unified Customer Profiles: Progressive profiles are established by the Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) by gradually collecting customer information over multiple interactions, rather than asking for all details at once. By leveraging these detailed profiles with external data systems, marketers can tailor email and website content to individual preferences and behaviors, delivering highly personalized and relevant messages that enhance engagement and conversion rates.
  • AI and Automation To Future Proof Your System:

    Leveraging AI-driven insights, workflows and automation helps marketers optimize content creation, delivery, and performance analysis, leading to more effective and timely campaigns.

    • Opal is the AI system within Optimizely One and empowers the following capabilities:
      • Content intelligence: AI-driven content insights provide real-time recommendations on the types of content that will convert and generate revenue, helping you fine-tune your content strategy for optimal results.
      • Content recommendations: Automatically delivering more relevant content that is personalized using natural language processing and machine learning analyze each visitor’s real-time interests on your site.
      • AI content generator: Generative AI is seamlessly integrated into existing content creation workflows to assist marketers in creating various types of content, from text like headlines and white papers to images. Customers also have the flexibility to use their preferred AI models or providers.
      • AI Tagging: Machine-learning algorithms automatically tag uploaded images, simplifying the process of filtering, discovering, and reusing assets. For example, if you upload a photo of a beach, the system might tag it with “beach,” “ocean,” and “sunset,” making it easy to find and use in future projects. This feature streamlines asset management and enhances productivity within the Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform.
      • Stats Accelerator: In the experimentation tool, machine learning helps quickly identify important differences by smartly directing traffic on your site. This means you can see meaningful results, whether good or bad, up to three times faster.
      • Multi-Armed Bandits: This type of experimentation uses a smart algorithm to find the best-performing variations and automatically directs more visitors to them every hour, helping you increase conversions.
      • Product recommendations: For online stores, AI-driven product recommendations focus on specific groups of shoppers, like those who have abandoned their carts. For example, if a customer leaves items in their cart, the system might send them a personalized discount to encourage them to complete their purchase. This approach helps boost engagement, increase the average order value, and drive more conversions.


New and Upcoming AI Capabilities in Optimizely One

Optimizely One AI Capabilities

You don’t need more tools, you need better outcomes.

These benefits collectively help organizations enhance their marketing effectiveness and drive better business outcomes.

In conclusion, the shift from siloed operations to a unified digital experience platform is essential for large organizations aiming to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and deliver a seamless omnichannel customer experience. By integrating all marketing functions into a single platform, organizations can overcome communication barriers, reduce inefficiencies, and create a cohesive strategy that drives accelerated growth. Optimizely One with Perficient exemplifies this approach, offering a comprehensive marketing operating system that empowers teams, integrates data, and leverages AI and automation to optimize marketing efforts. Embracing such a platform not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer engagement and satisfaction, ultimately driving better business outcomes.

In future posts, we’ll share exciting new product enhancements and announcements that will be unveiled at the upcoming Optimizely Conference, Opticon. Stay tuned!

Accelerate your success with the operating system for marketing, Optimizely One with Perficient…

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