Synonyms: Customer Journey, User Journey, User Path
From a definition standpoint, a journey map is a visual representation of the process that a person goes through to accomplish a goal. For our purposes, this is specific to website users and the process they go through (both on and offline). Journey mapping is the process of creating these visualizations.
Why do we care about Journey Mapping?
We care about journey mapping for a number of different reasons, but the primary one is that it helps businesses step into their customer’s shoes and take a mirror to the website and/or experience being delivered. So often we make assumptions about what users want to see, but journey mapping helps us take a step back and garner insights around common user pain points and identify what users need in order to complete specific goals. It also helps identify gaps in the experience and in content.
Journey mapping is also a starting point for a lot of businesses and organizations to build a feedback program, as it provides a systematic approach to measure the customer experience and gather feedback and data to validate or inform updates to an experience.
How do we start the process of Journey Mapping?
There isn’t necessarily a right way to start the process of journey mapping since there are a few different angles you can start with. Me personally, I start by defining the stages of the funnel and then identify the various touch points where a user comes in contact with my client’s business. From there, I like to work through the questions users have at each stage and what they are trying to accomplish.
… and that’s just the start! I don’t want to give away all my secrets!
If you want to chat more about journey mapping, fill out the contact form or HMU on twitter @jgrozalsky.
Stay thirsty, friends!