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Data & Intelligence

Google’s New Eye Artificial Intelligence Algorithm

Healthcare breakthroughs are happening on a daily occurrence in 2018. Dominant companies of business are developing new and advanced strategies for optimal patient care and diagnosis. Google has stepped into the light and released a new eye artificial intelligence algorithm, in the early stages of development, which can detect patient health problems.

The new state of the art artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google can specifically detect early signs of cardiovascular risks.

Google’s Eye Artificial Intelligence Algorithm can detect:

  • Patients age
  • Heart disease
  • Early stages of heart attack or stroke risk
  • High blood pressure
  • If a patient smokes

How it works

Google’s new artificial intelligence scans the patient’s retina to detect for possible health concerns.

“Google’s researchers trained the algorithm with images of scanned retinas from more than 280,000 patients. By reviewing this massive database, Google’s algorithm trained itself to recognize the patterns that designated people as at-risk.” – Monica Chin,

Why it works

An individual’s retina will have significant changes if the person is in the stages of cardiovascular risk.

The potential success of the Google algorithm is a stepping stone for exciting new technological healthcare advancements that will help patients quickly and effectively identify health risks.

The algorithm didn’t outperform already existing medical procedures but in time the formula can be a major asset to healthcare practitioners. The algorithm was not developed to replace doctors, but to help physicians diagnose with more efficient methods. This step forward in healthcare can be truly a monumental advancement for physicians and their patients. Having the ability to detect cardiovascular risk in the earliest stages, would be a major medical benefit.

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