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[Guide] Getting Ahead With Blockchain In Financial Services

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you keep hearing that blockchain is the next transformative technology. And while you want to make sure you’re fully informed and in a position to exploit any opportunities this technology could bring to you and your organization, you still don’t fully understand what blockchain means. Moreover, based on what you do know about blockchain, you’re not convinced and are starting to think the trend may be overhyped.

This guide is meant to address your concerns. In it, we’ll:

  • Provide an overview of blockchain
  • Illustrate how and why blockchain is considered a disruptive technology
  • Review challenges associated with the adoption of blockchain
  • Identify blockchain solutions and how they can be leveraged
  • Share how we can help you with blockchain

Download it here.

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Maura Holland, Senior Program Manager, Financial Services, Perficient

Maura Holland joined Perficient in 2013 via the acquisition of ForwardThink Group. Her areas of focus include program management, change management, business process redesign, and strategic operations. Maura has more than 25 years of experience in wealth management, investment banking and consumer banking, serving in corporate and consulting roles. She has successfully delivered projects for diverse clients, such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC).

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