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2017 Trends: Connecting the Patient to Connected Health

Our 2017 healthcare provider trend guide reveals the top 5 trends healthcare provider trends in 2017. These trends will help identify and prioritize technology investments in order to transform data into powerful knowledge that can enhance the patient experience and improve your overall business. My last post highlighted our first trend, Handing the Patient Portal Reins to the Patient. In today’s post we will look at the second trend, Connecting the Patient to Connected Health.

The way that healthcare will be delivered ten years from now is in stark contrast to the current state of affairs. Healthcare organizations across the nation currently have their sights set upon the world of telehealth for this reason. By and large, these organizations are partnering with telehealth vendors instead of looking forward into the vastly different healthcare industry we will have years from now and asking, “are we plotting upon the right roadmap now to become the healthcare leader of the future?”

However, the largest mistake being made with telehealth pilots and programs is the “if we build it they will come” mentality that is at the core of most telehealth plans. Much of this is predicated upon an illusion that once telehealth programs are erected, patients will easily move into this wildly different way of receiving care. Unfortunately, patients are demonstrating that they will not engage without the correct onboarding infrastructure. This infrastructure is based off of two key elements, which are explored in full detail in our guide, Top 5 Healthcare Provider Trends for 2017.

Attending HIMSS17? Stop by and see us at booth #3831 and lets talk healthcare industry trends. More on Perficient at HIMSS here.

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Melody Smith Jones

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