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Archive for April 21st, 2016

Git – If you don’t know, now you know!

Ever since Microsoft started adding support for Git into Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), many veteran developers on the Microsoft stack who had never used Git before started wondering what was up with that.  One of the things I quickly picked up on at the Build 2016 conference is that most of the dev teams […]

A Recipe for an Exceptional Customer Experience

Marketers are now in the business of selling experiences – not products – and the numbers that support this statement do not lie. According to a survey of more than 7,000 marketers worldwide, two of the top three digital priorities for 2016 include targeting/personalization and content optimization. Creating and delivering an exceptional customer experience is […]

6 Healthcare EPM Trends: #2 Budgets

TREND #2: BUDGETS: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ANNUALLY OR CONTINUALLY? Historically, budgets were compiled once per year (if that often) and variance analysis was a monthly activity. Hospitals started looking at multi-year, year-over-year analysis first, then eventually actual-to-budget, reinforcing the variance analysis process once data became more transparent. This led to “re-forecasting” the budget into a […]

Augmented Reality, Service Deflection and Buzzwords

I attended Oracle’s 2017 Modern Service Conference in Las Vegas. I got to catch up with a lot of friends and colleagues, saw some great demos, and heard some good talks. So what stuck with me from the conference? Well, the first three things that come to mind when I think about the conference: 1. […]

Why Oracle DRM is Essential for Managing Master Data (Part 3)

Link to Part 1 Link to Part 2 One of our clients’ favorite features of DRM is the ability to configure custom governance rules for their dimensions. Without DRM, many organizations are forced to use manual enforcement coupled with inadequate tools such as Excel, Access, and SQL procedures. Simply maintaining these processes becomes a job […]

Forrester Recommends Perficient as Vendor for API Strategy and Delivery

APIs are exploding in the digital marketplace with almost 15,000 public APIs now available. Business executives are realizing the value of APIs in: Driving business innovation Building mobile apps and customer engagement Creating seamless operational efficiency Enabling business agility Serving hybrid integration internally and externally Optimizing existing infrastructure As businesses grow their adoption of both […]

Digital Transformation in Life Sciences

Marin Richeson seems to be on a roll in the Life Sciences blog with multiple topics on the implications of digital to Pharma.  I’ve talked to more than one Life Sciences firm who is rethinking their entire approach to customer experience and moving towards addressing a full journey.  What makes it more fun for these […]

Driving Collaboration Forward with IBM

A retail leader in automotive replacement parts and accessories is always looking to increase employee collaboration and speed of business. While there were technologies in place, information was spread out over four intranet sites serving different audiences as well as a SharePoint site. For employees looking to assist car and body-shop owners with the auto […]

3 Themes Identified By McKinsey For Digital Leaders In Pharma

Last week, I wrote a post about an article published by McKinsey & Company in which they interviewed 20 pharma executives about how they’re handling digital transformation. The article was jam-packed with great information, so I wanted to highlight a few more points for you.