Consumers will continue to dictate investments in retail technology next year (this is not a surprise really) to satisfy today’s “smart shopper”. To keep pace with new customer demands like “click and collect”, mobile couponing, showrooming and geo-targeting, personalized recommendations and other customer experiences to support omnichannel retailing, brands will rely on three key investments in technology over the next five years.
One area where retailers will continue to invest heavily is e-commerce.
“At the end of the day, e-commerce is not only expected by consumers, but it drives incremental revenue, leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty (when done right), and in many cases even becomes a primary sales channel. Respondents to Gartner for this report also described e-commerce technology as enabling “transformational change to the business.”
To read more of where IT spend will happen in retail, check out this summary of Gartner’s survey findings on our IBM blog.