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Customer Experience and Design

What’s on the Horizon for Content Management in the Industry?

According to both Forrester and Gartner, the enterprise content management (ECM) market shows continued growth. So, what’s on the horizon for content management to better meet the changing demands of financial services companies? What if my marketing department could create up to 500% more sales collateral? How can regulatory compliance workflows for investment product reviews be less of a burden for our relationship managers? How can IT enable the sales team with access to content on-the-go or save money with the cloud?

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If these are questions you’ve been asking yourself and your team, join us on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. CT for a webinar on “How to Improve Performance with Next-Gen Sales Enablement Technology in Financial Services”.  David Wiesel, a delivery lead of Perficient’s national financial services practice will be joined by Marc Romano, CTO and co-founder of Seismic, to discuss the evolving ECM needs of today’s financial marketers, sales teams, and IT departments.

We’ll also cover:

  • An overview of ECM trends compiled by industry analysts
  • Best practices and approach to implementing ECM products
  • Success stories from several financial services customers
  • Overcoming regulatory hurdles
  • How to make the most of your enterprise’s content with Seismic

To register for the webinar, click here.

How to Improve Performance with Next-Gen Sales Enablement Technology in Financial Services

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

12:00 p.m. CST


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Elizabeth Dias

Elizabeth Dias is an experienced technology marketing strategist focused on the financial services and retail industry at Perficient. With over nine years of experience as a professional business-to-business (B2B) marketer, Elizabeth is knowledgeable in technology strategies for the financial services industry focusing on mobile banking and payments, data analytics, and enterprise information management. She also closely follows the fintech community as well as tech trends in social and digital, and is also an active blogger and thought leader on Twitter (@techmktggirl).

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