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Posts Tagged ‘windows 8’

What’s ahead for the Xbox One?

Microsoft has always marketed the Xbox One as a gaming machine that can enhance your living room.  This has played out very well for the Xbox One but recently has faltered in the light of the Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) being a more powerful machine.   This has given customers the idea that the Xbox […]

#Lync and the Impacts of Windows XP

It’s no secret Microsoft is doing the same to XP as the bad boy trio from Office Space did to that poor Printer. The deprecation of XP will have an impact on organizations for various reasons, some of which I’m not qualified to speak in depth about, but a key topics on the wire as […]

MVC controller actions vs Web API vs SignalR – what to use?

Over the course of a last few years Microsoft unleashed two new web development frameworks: Web API and SignalR, both are suitable for asynchronous communications between web client and web server.  And, of course, we still have MVC controller actions that can be used for asynchronous communications too and can accept and return JSON objects. […]

How Windows Azure delivers the Olympics

NBC and Microsoft recently publicized they are streaming every event of the 2014 Winter Olympics to any iOS, Android, Windows device using Windows Azure Media Services.  What is Windows Azure Media Services (WAMS) and how does it work? WAMS is a cloud optimized edition of the Microsoft Media Platform (MMP) which handles a variety of […]

Power BI for Office 365: Self-Service BI Webinar Recap

Yesterday, we hosted a webinar on Power BI for Office 365: Using SharePoint Online to Deliver Self-Service Business Intelligence. During the well attended session, Andy Tegethoff, Microsoft BI architect at Perficient, first reviewed what Power BI is all about, who is likely to be a user, and the components of it. He then dug deeper […]

Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V – Overview of Generation 2 VM’s

With the release of Windows Server 2012 R2 comes many great new features, including a improved virtual machine named generation 2. Generation 2 virtual machines provide quite a few enhancements across the spectrum of Hyper-V VM technology. Perhaps most notable is the removal of legacy emulated hardware. Removal of the legacy network adapter, IDE controller, […]

SCCM 2012 R2 Multiple Deployment Types BUG

Being able to create multiple application deployment types with Configuration Manager is a great feature. This gives you the ability to have one application  built to suite many deployment needs, such as MSI, Script, AppV, Citrix or multiple languages. While this is a great feature there is one issue with the new release of Configuration […]

Xbox One as an App platform

With the newly released Xbox One, Microsoft has been very up front with their quest to take over your living room.  One of the main marketing pushes for the Xbox One is that it does more than play games.  It integrates with your cable box, it can multi-task  by snapping apps to the side (similar […]

Goodbye JavaScript, Hello TypeScript!!!!

There are many things developers hate about JavaScript.  You can see this with all of the different ways people are trying to “fix” JavaScript.  Here are a couple of the ways: CoffeeScript is a language which is syntactically similar to JavaScript and attempts to expose the “good parts” of JavaScript Google went ahead and wrote […]

A digital renaissance in public school innovation and technology

One of the primary methods that schools can innovate is with technology. I live in an area where they’re trying to provide technology to all students by providing laptops or tablets from kindergarten to seniors in high school, all grades K through 12. In any one school district they now have to manage these devices […]

Microsoft Surface Blades

I’ve seen several articles talking about the Surface “Blade” concepts. I truly believe this is a great innovation on Microsoft’s part. The possibilities are truly endless. I truly believe the Surface is the best tablet for those who want a device that can be used for work, play and entertainment. Having different “Blades” as accessories […]

Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate available

A little over a year since the release of Visual Studio 2012 (VS2012) and we already have a release candidate for Visual Studio 2013. If your interested in the Virtual Launch keep up to date on the event page, you can also download the Release Candidate. You can install it over the preview and along […]

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