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Posts Tagged ‘User Interface’

Atomic Design: A Visual Designer’s Perspective

Today I’d like to discuss the Atomic Design methodology and how I’ve been applying it to my visual design process. First, let’s start with a little description of what an atomic design is. Coined by Brad Frost, Atomic Design is basically the analogy of chemistry being applied to design systems. In chemistry, we learn that […]

A Few Words About Words: Writing and Managing Microcopy

It goes by different names – microcopy, interface copy, and UX writing, to name a few. It’s the text that guides your customers through interactions with your site or app, and it often gets a lot less attention than the bigger pieces of information that we usually think of when we say “content.” But form […]

Importance Of User Interface Design When Reviewing Clinical Data

In the previous post, I talked about varying levels of scrutiny for data review and what happens when recording the user actions. In this post, I will talk about the importance of the user interface for a review. Successfully navigating requirements, design, development, testing, user acceptance and ongoing support of any application requires user involvement […]

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Most People Don’t Understand What UX Is

In a society where design is everywhere, and we could almost say it rules our lives, UX is a terminology that has been adopted by most Web designers and Design agencies worldwide; but even when it is something most professionals in this area have adopted, a lot of them don’t really know what UX really […]

The Separation of Search and State

The topic of migrating from one enterprise search platform to another has come up a few times in recent weeks because of the news discussed here. Migrations of any kind can be painful.  The new search platform will work differently, in unexpected ways, and it will take a while to fully understand those differences.  The new platform will have quirks […]

MIT’s Lincoln Lab Creates a Benchmark for Digital Experience

I had the pleasure of sitting through Vishal Chawla’s session Monday morning at IBM’s Digital Experience conference in Atlanta, where he talked about Lincoln Lab’s process of upgrading Portal and Connections. Vishal is the Senior Manager of Technology Innovation and Integration with Lincoln Lab and was the team lead for their upgrade project. Lincoln was […]

GSA UI: Should I use the on-board XSLT engine?

Out of the Box The Google Search Appliance ships with a full-function — but no thrills — XSL template (XSLT) that we refer to as the ‘out of the box’ user interface.  It looks a little bit like did a few years ago – lots of blue and white, and very few graphics.  But […]

Progressive Enhancement vs Graceful Degradation

The Web marches inexorably forward, and we love to see the innovations that come from that progress. But usually, a proportion of your users won’t see the new hotness. They’re stuck on an old ‘n busted browser that they either can’t update (because IE8 is the highest version of IE available for Windows XP, and […]

The User Experience IS Your Brand

I was going to take the leap today and cancel my landline (insert your “old-fashioned” joke here). But when I went to [insert communication provider’s] website, I was led down a rabbit hole of bad user interface decisions, one after another—it was the web equivalent to the annoying “press 1 for option A” recorded customer […]

Custom maps with MapBox

A couple of years ago I was working on a small project where the client wanted to visualize data from their field operations on a map. Nothing overly complex – just locations, custom icons, radius of operation for that location, etc. Easy, I thought. We’ll use a system like Google Maps. Except the client wanted […]

Front-end Developers are UX Designers too

A little while back I wrote this nugget of wisdom: Creating a great user experience extends beyond the research, beyond the wireframes, and even beyond the visual design. All that hard work is ultimately for nothing if your website or web application isn’t fast. Why? Because if your site doesn’t load quickly, your users will […]

Twenty Open Source iOS Frameworks You Should be Using

Objective-C on the iOS platform continues to rise in popularity. Between iOS and Android platforms, now there are close to 1.6 billion apps. This is a phenomenal number of apps. Given this explosion, it is but natural to see the proliferation of some excellent open source frameworks on social code repositories like Github and Google Code. This […]

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