Over the course of a few short years we have seen doubts about the effectiveness of telehealth technology transform into wide-spread adoption of those same technologies. Now that telehealth has proven successful at managing chronic conditions and care in remote rural settings, we will see this trend continue as health systems realize that breaking down […]
Posts Tagged ‘telehealth’
4 Reasons Telehealth will Transform Healthcare
There has always been value in being able to reach healthcare consumers remotely, however, the fee-for-service model and health plans have not supported it. Rising expenses, increasing number of Accountable Care Organizations, elevated interest in consumer engagement, focus on population health management and a shortage of healthcare providers are all driving telehealth. Andrew Watson, MD […]
Telehealth – Impacting Access, Cost and Quality
Where did 2014 go? It flew by…then again after I turned 30, I feel like every year is flying by. As this year comes to a close and planning begins for the upcoming year, like most organizations in the United States, my organization is going through an “open enrollment” period for healthcare benefits, allowing employees […]
7 Features the Market Wants in Your Patient Portal: Blog Series
In case you missed it, we recently concluded our blog series on What the Market Says You Need in Your Patient Portal. Two of our healthcare experts, Melody Smith Jones, Manager of Connected Health (@melsmithjones) and Nick Lecker, Director of Architecture and Interoperability teamed up to take a deeper look into the 7 features that […]
Market-Driven Patient Portal: Telehealth Beyond the Virtual Visit
Last month I published a post entitled “What the market says you need in your patient portal” that garnered a lot of interest. In that post I addressed the balancing act that healthcare executives face when market based initiatives are sidelined in order to drive focus to regulatory requirements such as Meaningful Use. Sometimes the […]
The “Yellow Brick Road” to Value-Based Care
“The Wizard of Oz” is a wonderful movie, full of metaphors that can be applied to real life. As I look at the current state of Healthcare, I can’t help but wonder if there is a true “yellow brick road” from volume based care to value based care. If there is, which stops will we […]
Imagine all the people…without healthcare insurance?
This morning a colleague forwarded a Fast Company article entitled “The Mayo Clinic’s New Doctor is an iPhone.” The article describes a new Mayo Clinic concierge medicine via mobile device that is subscription based. For $50 per month (per household) the Mayo Clinic basically offers unlimited access to their nurse’s line powered by iPhone virtual […]
Trends to Watch in the Healthcare World in 2014
What’s transforming the ways in which healthcare is provided? legislation new competition innovative incentives a call to refocus on priorities a more empowered and digitally engaged consumer, who has more and greater expectations for quality of care and convenience of care. a renewed attention on healthcare by the consumer market thanks to ongoing press about […]
Connected Health Trend Countdown: #7 Care Knows No Bounds
Today’s entry in the 2014 Connected trend Health countdown takes us far away from home: Trend #7: Care That Knows No Bounds It wasn’t so long ago when the general consensus amongst healthcare leaders was ripe with uncertainty regarding the returns to be had from telehealth and remote patient monitoring investments. It’s only a year […]
Making Mobile Medical Apps Just Got Easier
Earlier today, the FDA released its final guidance for developers of mobile medical applications. The FDA is focusing on regulating potentially harmful apps instead of policing applications that pose minimal risk to consumers. These more harmful apps include those which are using mobile technology to make a specific diagnosis and those which transform mobile devices […]
Innovation in Healthcare
Innovation can happen when we don’t expect it. Big data innovation is yet to be fully realized as more data crosses the internet in a few seconds than was stored in total a few years ago. New job titles like “data scientist” are emerging around the possibilities. This new job may be the coolest job […]
Top 5 Technology Trends in Healthcare – August 2013
The healthcare IT field is rapidly developing and changing. Emerging technology and updated regulations put pressure on healthcare providers and health plans to stay ahead of the curve. Perficient creates a monthly list that explores some of the current topics and issues in health IT. This list examines the most talked about issues and technologies […]