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Posts Tagged ‘reusable’

Optimizely DXP Deployment API – Updates for .NET 5.0 and EpiCloud 1.0.0

Yesterday (December 8th 2021), Optimizely sneakily released their very first major update for the EpiCloud Powershell Module; Version 1.0.0. This is great timing, as I was also about to release an update that would provide a fix for Azure.Storage (no longer relevant – ill explain why further in this post), as well as provide updates […]

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Optimizely/Episerver DXP Deployment API – Provisioning

As I continue to use the Deployment API, I always am looking for new and exciting ways to use the commands. In this case, being able to provision a brand new set of DXP Environments for a client. The Optimizely DXP is made up of three environments; Integration, Preproduction, and Production. Not all of these […]

Optimizely/Episerver DXP Deployment API – Smooth Deployment Public Release

In my previous posts, we went over the deployment process in the Optimizely/Episerver DXP environment. The first and the second post of the Deployment API series went through the original methods that allow for deployment into the DXP environment. Smooth Deploy is a feature that I have been looking forward to for a long time now. It […]

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DXP Deployment API – Azure.Storage Error Fix

As of March 29th, Microsoft made the decision to publish new VM’s which archived a bunch of Az, Azure, and AzureRM modules. The side effect of this was that when any of the deployment API scripts were run in Azure DevOps, it would throw an error. ‘Azure.Storage’ version 4.4.0 or greater is required. At C:\Users\VssAdministrator\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\EpiCloud\0.13.15\EpiCloud.psm1:189 […]

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EpiServer DXP Deployment API – Direct Deploy

As of Update 357, Optimizely (EpiServer) released Direct Deploy into their Deployment API, Episerver.PaaS.EpiCloud. This update changes a couple of my scripts to allow major speed improvements when deploying into the integration environment. In this post, we will go through the following: How does the current deployment to Integration work? Why Direct Deploy? Why does […]

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Episerver DXP Environment Deployment API PowerShell Scripts – Part 3

In my previous posts, we went over the deployment process in the EpiServer DXP environment. The first post went through the original methods that allow for deployment into the DXP environment. The second post went through update 313, which was a massive deployment API update, as well as how to use the API to export an environmental database, […]

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Episerver DXP Environment Deployment API PowerShell Scripts – Part 2

In my last-post, we went over the deployment process in the EpiServer DXP environment. I mentioned that the next post would be related to using this within Azure DevOps, but I need to make a slight adjustment based on today’s update. As of April 27th, 2020, EpiServer released their weekly update #313, which included a lot […]

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Episerver DXP Environment Deployment API PowerShell Scripts – Part 1

In late-2019, Episerver released one of their Beta programs, which would allow developers the ability to control a DXP environment deployment via an API. This Powershell module is called “EpiCloud”. There have been a few blog posts on how to use these APIs in one-off instances, but none in how to make these into reusable […]

3 Frameworks for Creating Reusable Style-based iOS UI Components

Web developers are familiar with the importance of Cascading Style Sheets when developing HTML5 apps. The basic premise is simple, standard look and feel of the elements can be described separately in a CSS definition file and without changing a lot of other code, or simply by applying a different CSS file, you can alter […]