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Posts Tagged ‘project management’

Woman Peeking Through Fingers - Project Estimates Are Difficult

Sandbagging & Lowballing : Project Estimating (Part 1)

Estimating is a precarious business – part science, a lot of guesswork, and a bit of psychic magic! The goal is to forecast the effort, time, and cost of a project with enough accuracy to avoid disaster. Project managers use some go-to methods to estimate projects. Some approaches are scientific while others are based on […]

Fatal perfection. A skull wearing a crown as a reference to Macbeth.

The Curse of Perfection – Toil and Trouble

“Double, double toil and trouble,” is a line repeated by the witches in Macbeth as they lay out the ominous prophecies of greatness and dire consequences for the titular character. Macbeth’s ambition envisions a perfect ending though desperate actions and moral weakness ruin it. So too are the misguided actions in pursuit of perfection which […]

Embrace Strategic Thinking: 3 Smart Ways to Escape Admin Chaos and Innovate Boldly

Do you ever wish you had more time to focus on strategic thinking, to wrap your arms around a long-term vision, instead of spending your days drowning in administrative tasks? Digging deep into your idea factory takes time and energy, and a never-ending cycle of burn reports, meetings, and timecard approvals can drain both – […]

Confident woman with arms crossed in front of a blackboard showing a workflow ending in the rewards of quality innovation ideas.

Your Idea Factory – Quality Innovation from Quantity

Quality innovation is not for the weak at heart! Innovation myths may have you thinking it is for the lucky or the extremely talented – that’s not true. Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” Thomas Edison quipped, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls […]

Digital Screen With Cloud Computing And Abstract Glowing Circular Background. Security And Protection Data Cloud. Big Data Safe. Database Storage, 3d Render.

Getting Started with Azure DevOps Boards and Repos

The previous blog post explored the initial steps of setting up Azure DevOps, creating projects, and navigating the Overview section. Now, let’s delve deeper into the other core sections of the Azure DevOps interface, Boards, and Repos, each playing a crucial role in your development lifecycle. Read the first part of the blog here: A […]

Digital cloud linking on-premises to Azure VMware Solution

A Beginner’s Guide to Azure DevOps

Introduction Azure DevOps is a complete collection of tools and services that assist in the development, testing, and deployment of software applications. There is a list of services presented, which includes version control, agile planning, build automation, and release management all with integration on a single platform. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take a look […]

Special characters (grawlix) in a speech bubble expressing outrage and cursing.

We’re All Outraged! Turning Passion into Results.

If you were to pop open any social media platform or news app right now and scroll through a couple dozen posts, you’ll easily get the feeling that everything is #%&$ falling apart. Everyone is mad at something. We now use the term “doomscrolling.” In the past we had Yellow Journalism and we are there […]

Photo looking down at legs standing on asphalt with yellow directional arrows pointing in different directions.

Zigs & Zags – The Opposite of a Great Idea Can Also be a Great Idea

I get a lot of enjoyment from the creative and innovative side of the work I do. Helping clients or my teams break out of the day-to-day and explore the unexpected. I’ve discussed innovation myths before and how to use lateral thinking to expand your pool of ideas in unexpected ways. One of my favorite […]

Suspend Reality to Generate Creative Innovation

Suspend Reality – 6 Steps to Move from Fantasy to Execution

We’re just now finishing up the holiday season. At this time of year, I’m always intrigued by the magic of the holidays we celebrate, and the optimistic goals we set for the new year. Even the lies we tell ourselves. It amazes me how we collectively like to suspend reality for a bit, reflect, and […]

Team Consensus – Collage of Arguing and Disagreement Bombarding Someone

Consensus – The Slippery Slope of Success

Consensus is most simply defined as a general agreement. Some definitions may include the phrases “broad agreement” or “unanimous”, but a tempered meaning is the acceptance of an idea. There are very few things in life that have a single right answer. And with such diversity in the world, you’ll almost never end up with […]

Funny picture of a man holding frayed electrical wires, his hair is standing on end with face scorched.

Fail Like a Pro – How to Plan for and Recover from Failure

Success and failure – just like hot and cold, light and darkness, love and hate, or good and evil – these represent the ends of a familiar spectrum. Countless philosophical works have pondered these seemingly opposing concepts. My favorite view for all such opposites is that you cannot understand one without the other. They are […]

Picture of a Chihuahua dog wearing pink aviator glasses, looking like a wildcard.

The Innovation Wildcard – Surprise Yourself!

An innovation wildcard is a team member who is there to add a unique perspective that the rest of the team may not have. This person can be within the organization or pulled from outside. They may have deep expertise in other areas, or they may be new and more likely to question everything. Innovation […]

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