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Posts Tagged ‘powershell’

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Bulk Manipulating the Language of Content

If you want to bulk manipulate by moving content from one language to another, SCORE comes with a language manipulation feature that can help. On the flip side, if you want to remove languages from your system, you can use PowerShell to automate this. Imagine that our site is currently in English with an en […]

Sitecore Chris’ Symposium Journal – Day 1

First day of Symposium, good to see everyone last night. Picked up the jacket and bag of goodies.  Seminars and training is happening today. Powershell, Helix, xDB oh my.  Had Starbucks this morning with my daughter she was excited as she got to meet Chris Castle. Went to the art and warehouse district to see […]

Sitecore Powershell – Add rendering to item

The Sitecore Powershell Module has once again come to the rescue to save me a lot of time in a recent update. We made an update to a left navigation component for mobile views in our responsive site. That being said the component needed to be added to a hundred+ product pages so that the navigation and an […]

Sitecore Powershell – Update field values

The Powershell module for Sitecore is quickly becoming one of my new favorite Sitecore tools. I’m still learning the Sitecore Powershell ropes and with the help of various blog posts, including the series started by Jon Upchurch, I’m slowly getting better with it. This week a project required an update to certain links that were contained […]

Sitecore PowerShell Extensions Pt.1: The What and the Wow

I still cannot believe that there are Sitecore developers out there that are still not using Sitecore Powershell Extensions. Since I discovered SPE, it’s saved me what I can only estimate as being hundreds of hours of headaches and hundreds of dollars in therapist bills! Admittedly, there’s a pretty steep learning curve, but the ROI […]

Azure Service Bus: ARM, Xplat-CLI, PowerShell, Portals and SDK

I’ve been working with the Azure Service Bus quite a bit lately and have discovered some catches to working with it. These aren’t technology catches, but rather related to the SDK and tooling support surrounding the Azure Service Bus features. Even though Azure Service Bus has been around almost since the beginning, for years, it […]

Office 365 – Script to Perform Message Trace By Subject

Just a quick post today on a recent script I had to put together. The message trace feature within Exchange Online works pretty well but can be a challenge if you want to search based on a particular email subject. In a scenario where you want to know who received an email or a set […]

Office 365 – Script To Determine Exchange Online Mailbox Location

When you move your mailboxes to the cloud, there are some details that you lose a little bit of insight into. While an acceptable answer to “where are my mailboxes” might be “the cloud”, I was curious as to how distributed they are. We know that an Office 365 tenant is limited to a single […]

Deploy Azure Web App using ARM Template from Visual Studio 2015

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the new set of APIs for deploying and managing Microsoft Azure services. A previous article in this series defines what Azure Resource Manager (ARM) means for Developers, IT Pros and DevOps. This article will dive into the details of using Azure Resource Manager, ARM Templates, Visual Studio 2015, and the Azure SDK to […]

Introduction to Azure Resource Manager

Microsoft is in the process of transitioning the Microsoft Azure tools over to using the new Azure Resource Manager (ARM) model for managing Azure resources. On the surface this looks to be merely a change in the API’s and tools. While this is mostly true, it’s a shift that offers a more streamlined approach to […]

Office 365 – Why PowerShell Version Matters

Just a quick post today on a topic that is loosely related to Office 365 but certainly can be important… It’s no secret that a good part of the management within Office 365 is done via PowerShell. Whether you’re writing the scripts yourself or downloading scripts from the “PowerShell for Office 365” site, you’re going […]

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xDB Reports with Powershell

101 First things first. To collect analytics you have to make sure you tell Sitecore you are not a robot: Also, if you are running locally you may as well disable robots: Next, if you have a way to identify your users you have to do so explicitly. The site I am working on is […]

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