In “fun” news, the FDA wants to know if the use of animation in pharmaceutical advertising affects consumers’ general perception of drugs, as well as the side effects they can cause. According to a Notice posted on the Federal Register website, the FDA is looking to answer the following questions:
Posts Tagged ‘pharmaceutical’
3 Things I Learned From Quintiles’ Earnings Call
If you’re a follower of our blog, you probably know that I enjoy listening to earnings conference calls. They give you a rare look into a company’s operational successes, and sometimes failures. Just last month, Quintiles held their Q4 2015 Earnings Call, which was full of information that gives color not only to the […]
3 Life Sciences Companies You Probably Didn’t Know Were Irish
The life sciences industry is truly a global marketplace. Companies reside all over the map, and now more than ever, pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations are choosing to move their headquarters overseas, to places like Ireland, where they are more tax-friendly. Whether born and bred in Ireland or a recent transplant, the island […]
Managing Clinical Supplies With Siebel CTMS
A 2015 article in The Huffington Post talked about some of the challenges of clinical supply management. The author, Loretta Cipkus Dubray of Global Clinical Connections, listed four issues: counterfeiting, technology, weather conditions, and local government/politics. Naturally, the technology bit caught my attention.
How Managing Clinical Records Is Different Today
Life sciences companies have long relied on paper-based business processes and been slow to adopt new technologies. The move toward electronic ways of doing business, specifically as it relates to clinical data, didn’t start to make headway until the late 1990s with the advent of electronic data capture (EDC) systems. It took over a […]
Trending: Employing Mobile Applications In Research
According to Google, people are now performing more Google searches on their mobile phones than on their computers. This statistic reiterates the fact that all life sciences companies should ramp up their mobile initiatives to reach subjects and patients through the channels they use most.
Should Pharma Share Clinical Trial Data?
Let me preface: this is just me playing devil’s advocate. To be fair. To give a different perspective. There is an exorbitant amount of conversation going on about the sharing and publication of all clinical trial data, good or bad. The reason? To help others out. To advance science. To save lives.
New Report: Industry Still Manages Commercial Content Manually
Efficiency and compliance are two critical components in highly-regulated industries, especially when it comes to developing drugs and medical devices. Unfortunately, though, these are two areas in which many life sciences companies struggle and could significantly improve through IT solutions.
Trending: Creative Forms Of Subject Recruitment
Recruiting subjects for clinical trials has been a longstanding challenge for pharmaceutical and research organizations. According to Dr. Steven Alberts, Chair of Medical Oncology with the Mayo Clinic, only 5% of cancer patients ever enroll in a trial. On top of that, only a fraction of all trials ever finish enrolling enough patients on […]
A Pro-Pharma Opinion Piece
A few weeks ago, an opinion piece was featured on the international public broadcaster Deutsche Welle’s website. In her article, the author shared the “unfair” standards by which pharmaceutical companies are frequently judged.
AstraZeneca Continues To Prove That It’s No Digital Dinosaur
A little over a year ago, I wrote about AstraZeneca’s road to becoming a digital transformation leader. With CIO David Smoley at the helm, the pharmaceutical giant is known to have been an early adopter of many cloud solutions, including Box, Salesforce, and Microsoft Office 365. While Smoley’s cloud-first mentality has helped save a […]
Brokers Are Selling Your Health Data. So What?
Data privacy across all industries continues to be a big concern for everyone. When it comes to the life sciences and healthcare industries, patients are especially worried. They simply are afraid of being identified. In a recent Scientific American article, Adam Tanner discussed the business of buying and selling health data. Health data brokerages […]