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Posts Tagged ‘Perficient Gives’

Perficient Holds Nationwide Blood Drive

The Red Cross is currently experiencing the worst blood shortage they’ve had in over a decade. In fact, the dangerously low blood supply has forced some hospitals to defer patients from treatment all together – specifically, major surgeries and organ transplants. To help address the shortage, Perficient recently hosted multiple in-person and virtual blood drives […]

Rajan Merchant

Rajan Merchant Builds a Lifelong Career with Perficient

Individually and collectively, Perficient and our 6,500 global colleagues treasure talent, embrace effort, and reward results. Watching people develop careers within our organization is truly a special experience, and our Growth for Everyone initiative helps identify individual career paths and allows colleagues to pave a career journey to reach their full potential. We want to […]

Clothes Hanger

New Years, New Goals, New Clothes! The LDC’s Holiday Clothing Drive

Around the holiday season, the Perficient Lafayette Delivery Center (LDC) looks for ways to bring some well wishes and holiday cheer to our local Lafayette community. Though south Louisiana has a reputation for being hot and muggy, the winters can be surprisingly chilly, and this means some of our local friends and families need a […]

Perficient Colleagues Get Jazzed About Giving in 2022

Philanthropy-Based Employee Resource Group Hosts First Event Our colleagues at Perficient truly value giving back to the communities in which we live and work. When considering the number of colleagues our growing organization has, and learning how many of these colleagues around the world hold this value, we decided to develop our Perficient Giving Employee […]


Perficient Donates $80,000 to Advance STEM Education and Improve Health and Wellbeing

Perficient colleagues have always given selflessly of their time and talent to make our communities a little brighter. Each of us are committed to leaving a positive mark on the world, and we recently introduced a new way to make an impact.    READ MORE: How Perficient and our colleagues have given back  On the heels of the creation of the Perficient Giving […]

Perficient Light Up Glennon 2021

Perficient Colleagues Spread Holiday Cheer at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

Collectively and individually, Perficient and our colleagues are passionate about giving back to our communities. Just last year, we formalized our commitment to giving back by forming a philanthropy-based employee resource group (ERG) – Perficient’S Giving ERG. During the recent holiday season, Perficient and our St. Louis colleagues captured the giving spirit by bringing song, […]

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Chicago Colleagues Give Back to Their Community

Giving back to the communities in which we live and work is important to Perficient. We even formalized our commitment to giving back by forming a philanthropy based ERG – Perficient Giving. Our Chicago team recently embodied the giving back spirit by gathering at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) to pack meals for individuals […]


Tornado Relief Efforts – Your Donation Helps

On Friday night December 10th and into the following Saturday, an unimaginable outbreak of catastrophic tornadoes ripped through the landscape of America’s Midwest, stretching from Arkansas all the way to Kentucky. These storms produced severely damaging winds and tornadoes which spread devastations across six states. At the epicenter of this system, the deadliest supercell tracked […]

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Lori Jane Shoenthal Celebrates 10 Years of Career Growth with Perficient

Each colleague around the globe individually brings something unique, allowing us to be a diverse organization. The diversity of people, their insights, and their skillsets within Perficient allows Growth for Everyone by adapting a wide range of skills through collaboration. For the past nine years, Lori Jane Shoenthal has been a business coordinator in Perficient’s […]

Mcf Ai Bootcamp Students And Volunteers

Dallas High School Students Complete Inaugural Perficient-Hosted Mark Cuban Foundation AI Bootcamp

Perficient Colleagues Volunteer to Train Aspiring Technology Enthusiasts What happens when an interest is fueled by ambition and mentorship? For a group of Dallas high school students, it became a passion. Perficient recently wrapped our first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bootcamp with the Mark Cuban Foundation where Dallas area high school students learned the fundamentals of […]

Giving Erg Blog

Perficient Introduces New Giving ERG

Philanthropy-Based Employee Resource Group Enables All Colleague to Give Back in Meaningful Ways The season of giving is upon us. Today is “Giving Tuesday,” the annual global celebration taking place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving where people around the world unite to give back in whatever ways they can. Perficient and our colleagues have a long and […]

Minotaur Arena

A Perfect Fusion of Science and Sport: Perficient’s Partnership with Bot Building Team, RioBotz

On the heels of the recent announcement that Perficient had partnered WITH A FIGHTING ROBOT, I sat down with Perficient’s Vice President of Marketing Bill Davis to learn more about what it’s all about, how it came to be, why he’s so excited about it, and how it benefits the robot builders and Perficient. Bill, thanks for […]

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