And here is our last trend in Connected Health for 2016. As we mentioned at the top of the list, we opted not to publish the posts in our ranked order. We actually want to get your opinion on the matter first. Then, to see our order, you can download the full 2016 Connected Health […]
Posts Tagged ‘patient engagement’
2016 Connected Health Trends:Patient-Centered Activity Monitoring
Our next trend in Connected Health of 2016 takes us into the much lauded world of mobile health. This year we are most concerned with using the mobile health innovations that have been created to measure patient activity, and the ability to measure activity is growing. At the heart of telehealth’s call for “healthcare everywhere”, […]
2016 Connected Health Trends: High-Touch Digital Care
As one would assume would be the case, many of the Connected Health trends are about connecting to the patient when they are not in the care setting. All of them are, in fact. However, this trend finds us trying to instill a good bedside manner into digital care. Over the past year the terms […]
2016 Connected Health Trends: Patient Data Ownership
In our next 2016 Connected Health trend we find ourselves with the call from patient advocates around the land: increased ownership of data by the patient. The healthcare industry is the guardian of, in my opinion, the world’s most important data. With that being true, the patient data guardianship story is about to get even […]
2016 Connected Health Trends: Market-Driven Patient Engagement
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, it is for We the Connected Health Geeks of Perficient, anyway. It’s that time of year where we indulge our inner trend-spotters and set them loose upon the world of Connected Health. But…this year we are releasing the trends with a bit of a twist. As […]
VIDEO: 7 Keys to Delivering an Engaging Patient Portal
We find ourselves at the beginning of the end of Meaningful Use, and, lets be honest, patient-centric healthcare technology investments across the industry have left much to be desired. The reason is quite simple. The most important decision-making criterion for patient portal implementation under Meaningful Use Stage 2 was ease of integration with EHR. The […]
#HIMSS16 Video: Growth Opportunities for Healthcare Systems
We chatted with CIO David Chou at HIMSS16 about opportunities for growth for health systems. David (@dchou1107) has been named to several “Top Social CIO” and “CIOs to Know” lists. He is a visionary and resourceful leader with expertise in healthcare and digital technology and a proven track record of delivering innovative, state-of-the-art solutions.
CIO Series: #HIMSS16 Hot Topic- Patient & Consumer Engagement
HIMSS 2016 is right around the corner, in less than 2 weeks more than 40,000 people will gather in Las Vegas to explore the latest trends and challenges in the healthcare industry and discover cutting-edge technology solutions. As both a patient and a consumer, one topic I am looking forward to discussing at #HIMSS16 is […]
Year in Review – Top 10 Healthcare Guides & Webinars of 2015
We have compiled a list of the top 10 healthcare content assets of 2015. If you haven’t downloaded these valuable information assets you may want to do it now. Check them out below: #10. Guide – 7 Features of a Market-Driven Patient Portal As healthcare reform and transformation advances, providers will seek new […]
#Patient Engagement at #OOW15
Is it time to stop thinking about healthcare in terms of doctor visits? HealthIT News published an article posing this question recently in conjunction to the kick-off of the Patient Engagement Summit in San Diego. The article goes on to say that “healthcare” takes place in between visits, and away from the doctor’s office. Dr. […]
UCB’s EVP And CMO Opens Up About Digital Transformation
Digital transformation (DT), the concept of leveraging digital technologies to engage with constituents (e.g., customers, patients, employees, or partners) is vital in today’s world. The audience you’re targeting expects communication to be easy and information to be readily available at any time. If they can’t get what they want from you, they’ll go somewhere […]
3 Recommendations For Moving Precision Medicine Forward
Since President Obama’s State of the Union address in January, much has been said about precision medicine. And, rightly so. The ability to treat common and rare diseases based on genomic and patient data is showing incredible promise. However, the medical community agrees that significant changes need to be made to federal healthcare policies […]