has an interesting article about why patient portals just aren’t popular. I think the author, Brian Eastwood, gets some things right but also misses some key reasons or challenges. Here’s what he got right. Adoption just isn’t very high. No one is using the patient portals that are out there. Doctors don’t use portals………….and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Integration’
Datapower XI 52 and XC 10 Integration:Encode/decode the cache key
From our previous blog post we have seen how easy it is to setup a seamless integration between the XI 52 and XC 10. In this blog post, we dive into a little more detail of the seamless integration by understanding how datapower encodes and decodes the cache key. Datapower XI 52 uses the URL […]
An Architectural Approach to Cognos TM1 Design
Overtime, I’ve written about keeping your TM1 model design “architecturally pure”. What this means is that you should strive to keep a models “areas of functionality” distinct within your design. Common Components I believe that all TM1 applications, for example, are made of only 4 distinct “areas of functionality”. They are absorption (of key information […]
A Practice Vision
Vision Most organizations today have had successes implementing technology and they are happy to tell you about it. From a tactical perspective, they understand how to install, configure and use whatever software you are interested in. They are “practitioners”. But, how may can bring a “strategic vision” to a project or to your organization in […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: Integration of Data
In our last conversation about “What the market says you need in your patient portal” we discussed the needs of integration and interoperability. This is an area that, while interesting to the IT team, often does not get a lot of attention. This is not because this topic lacks interest, rather, it’s just not the […]
IBM OpenPages GRC Platform –modular methodology
The OpenPages GRC platform includes 5 main “operational modules”. These modules are each designed to address specific organizational needs around Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Operational Risk Management module “ORM” The Operational Risk Management module is a document and process management tool which includes a monitoring and decision support system enabling an organization to analyze, manage, […]
The installation Process – IBM OpenPages GRC Platform
When preparing to deploy the OpenPages platform, you’ll need to follow these steps: Determine which server environment you will deploy to – Windows or AIX. Determine your topology – how many servers will you include as part of the environment? Multiple application servers? 1 or more reporting servers? Perform the installation of the OpenPages prerequisite […]
IBM OpenPages Start-up
In the beginning… OpenPages was a company “born” in Massachusetts, providing Governance, Risk, and Compliancesoftware and services to customers. Founded in 1996, OpenPages had more than 200 customers worldwide including Barclays, Duke Energy, and TIAA-CREF. On October 21, 2010, OpenPages was officially acquired by IBM: What is it? OpenPages provides a technology driven way […]
Configuring Cognos TM1 Web with Cognos Security
Recently I completed upgrading a client’s IBM Cognos environment – both TM1 and BI. It was a “jump” from Cognos 8 to version 10.2, and TM1 9.5 to version 10.2.2. In this environment, we had multiple virtual servers (Cognos lives on one, TM1 on one and the third is the gateway/webserver). Once the software was […]
Preparing to Integrate Your Data with Salesforce
Without exception, every Salesforce project I’ve managed over the past several years has involved some data integration. Integration is the name of the game: providing more efficient, streamlined processes and better customer insight. This can translate into lower costs and higher sales so its well worth the investment. However, the majority of these projects experienced […]
Integrating IBM Digital Experience and Microsoft SharePoint
Jason Cornell spoke at the IBM Digital Experience Conference about how well IBM Digital Experience software integrates with SharePoint. When IBM talks about integration with SharePoint, its usually how to display SharePoint content or apps within WebSphere Portal. There are a bunch of ways that IBM has enabled out-of-the-box integration with SharePoint: IBM has Web […]
Master Data and Integration Tools
In today’s business world, the major challenge that enterprises face is to have one source of business data (Master Data) which is non-redundant, more consistent, accurate, complete and error free. Master data of an enterprise could be information about its customers, products, employees, suppliers, business locations, etc. Master data plays an important role in making […]