Everyone is spending money on marketing but are you connecting with your customers? Are you engaging them in the best manner and is your mix of advertising spend in line with your industry? To get answers to great question such as these and others, plan on attending the IBM Digital Marketing University 2016 Global Tour. IBM is […]
Posts Tagged ‘IBM’
Spring Cleaning in the Cloud (Part 2)
We’re now more than a week into Spring and the end of March has arrived, putting us at three months into 2016. As we move deeper into our Spring Cleaning routine, some of us will find interesting items. I know I sometimes find old receipts, used plane tickets, and the occasional USB cable I misplaced. […]
Another IBM Cloud deployment options – Forms Experience Builder
Several months ago I was in Boston for an IBM event that was under non-disclosure. One of the items previewed was plans for IBM Forms Experience Builder on Cloud. IBM has released the product and the link has a couple of important pieces of data. There is a demo from Marty Lechleider. I’ve had the opportunity to […]
IBM contributes to the blockchain Hyperledger project
I’ve written about blockchain, the technology that underpins Bitcoin on various occasions; having spent time working for a bank and supporting trading floor technology, I am interested in technologies that drive cost and complexity out of transaction. This article in the Wall Street Journal details how IBM is now the largest company support blockchain and […]
Onboarding as Part of Digital Transformation
If you have attended any of our Digital Transformation webinars, this quote will be familiar. “The realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touchpoint in the customer experience life cycle.” – Altimeter In this Perficient webinar The Internal Impacts of a Digital Transformation: How to Effectively Manage Culture, Collaboration, […]
IBM Watson use in business
This article in the Wall Street Journal details how KPMG LLC plans on using IBM Watson to automate routine tasks in audits. The article explains that auditors today often take samples of a client’s transaction to validate financial statements. Sheer volume and time prevents auditors from looking at all of a company’s transactions. the goal is […]
Four different architectures for mobile App development
MVC MVC (Model-View-Controller) is one of the most common used structure for App development, extremely good for those apps that have a short life cycle. In MVC, Controller layer is the place for implementing an App’s mainly functions; the Model layer is for data related functions; while View layer is for the designs and UI […]
OAuth Implementation in Datapower XI52
OAuth is an authorization framework that allows a resource owner to grant permission to access their resources without sharing their credentials with a third party. Traditionally in client-server authentication model, the client uses its credentials to access its resources hosted by the server. OAuth introduces a third role called the resource owner. In this model, […]
Driving Engagement with IBM Connections and Gamification
The webinar combines one of my favorite speakers, Luis Benitze, with a topic that has been core to me for some years now: business collaboration and specifically IBM Connections. Luis is teaming up with Badgeville, a business partner focused on gamification and driving additional user engagement. IBM has been focused how work is changing and […]
IBM Interviews Perficient for 2016 Beacon Award Win
John Wood, Program Director of IBM PartnerWorld Digital Content, chats with Perficient’s Vishal Rajpal at the IBM PartnerWorld Leadership Conference. John and Vishal discuss Perficient’s second consecutive Beacon Award, our Immersion solution, and the value of customers in helping develop technology that enables the adoption of cloud.
A Garage with no Grease – IBM Bluemix Garage
When you think about the picture of a garage it often brings images of grease, oil, tools and cars. At the IBM Interconnect 2016 conference this week IBM released a new methodology called IBM Bluemix Garage. I had the pleasure of sitting in a session led by Rachel Reinitz – IBM Distinguished Engineer & CTO IBM Bluemix Garage. […]
3 Ideas from IBM Interconnect – IoT with Watson Session
Welcome from IBM Interconnect 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. After attending the session “IoT with Watson” at IBM Interconnect I became a believer in the possibility of connecting the physical and digital worlds together through the power of the cloud. Peter Crocker – IBM Watson IoT Platform Product Manager provided a very complete overview of where the […]