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Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Facebook Graph Search. A tool to create or destroy?

Facebook’s new Graph Search is a very interesting tool that can be used to dive into the Facebook data that is publicly available. It can also make it ridiculously easy to dig up embarrassing facts you’ve forgotten you’ve even said about yourself. So how will you use this new tool? Will you use it to connect with new people […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 3

In the past two posts (Part 1 & Part 2), I list many of the key technologies that make up a social intranet.  In this post, I’m going to talk about how you might combine those different systems into an overall social intranet platform for your company.  In the next post in this series, I’ll […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 2

In part 1 of this series (see Social Intranet Technologies, Part 1), I talked about many different technologies or systems that make up a social intranet.  In this post, I want to expand the list of technologies, and discuss briefly several technologies that often get overlooked, but can be an important part of a great […]

Facebook Graph Search: What Does This Mean For Brands?

As we enter an age where change happens at an exponentially faster pace than each day before, it is ironically interesting to remember the wise words spoken long ago by Abraham Lincoln, “the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time”. Maintaining the Lincoln type of perspective these days […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 1

I’ve been seeing a lot of interest in the concept of a Social Intranet lately.  The intranet is your company’s internal content network.  In many cases, it is nothing more than a series of links to other systems.  In more sophisticated intranets, companies publish corporate news and announcements, departments have their own pages to share […]

Twenty Open Source iOS Frameworks You Should be Using

Objective-C on the iOS platform continues to rise in popularity. Between iOS and Android platforms, now there are close to 1.6 billion apps. This is a phenomenal number of apps. Given this explosion, it is but natural to see the proliferation of some excellent open source frameworks on social code repositories like Github and Google Code. This […]

Facebook Offers for Brand Pages: New Features Overview

The test period for Facebook Offers came to a close, and Facebook announced that Pages (with more than 400 Likes) can now seed discounts and promotions to their fans for a minimal fee. While Facebook Offers are no longer free for brand pages, there are a few new features for brands to utilize, including use […]

Leveraging Facebook Promoted Posts for Your Brand or Business

Facebook is pushing out new features for brands and Page admins—and in a hurry. With the real-time nature of social media and its ever-changing landscape, it can sometimes be quite a feat to explain the plethora of new features and how they can be leveraged for brands. In the spirit of keeping everyone in the […]

Adobe CQ 5.5 Social Communities

Back in March, Adobe launched a new version of its CQ product and I blogged about it a couple of times: Adobe CQ5.5 Sneak Peek Adobe CQ5.5 Now Available At the time of the announcement, Adobe also announced CQ 5.5 Social Communities, but had not yet shipped that feature.  Well, I missed the original shipping […]

Apple and Facebook Should Be Terrified Of Google-Tinted Glasses

Techcrunch has an article out about why Apple and Facebook should be terrified of Google Glasses.  I think the idea of the glasses has merit although I suspect the first iteration of these things will need a lot of work.  But given what they could do for you and how they could integration voice, map/directions, […]

Do Brands on Facebook Deserve a “Pass” When They Fumble Conversations With Consumers?

So the office is a-twitter right now (apologies for the obvious social media pun) over this afternoon’s Facebook post by Nine West. I’m wearing their shoes right now…I invite them into my news feed and my inbox…but today’s post strayed a little outside the foul pole. In an attempt to mirror the voice of a […]

Software-based Firms Lead the Economy

Software is eating the world. About a month ago Marc Andreessen, part-owner of venture capital firm Andreessen-Horowitz, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal entitled Why Software is Eating the World in which he stated that, although the overall stock market and economy have tumbled recently, the United States is still in a favorable […]

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