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Posts Tagged ‘Collaboration’

Consumers are more open to sharing some data about themselves

Here in the U.S. we take privacy seriously and often go to great lengths to avoid asking customers for personal information. It appears that global consumers are more open to sharing personal information about themselves than maybe what everyone assumes. Sandy Carter recently posted on her blog Social Media to Social Business about an interesting study  IBM recently […]

Gartner Releases Social Software in the Workplace Magic Quadrant

Gartner just released their Social Software in the Workplace Magic Quadrant.  (warning login and $$ required to gain access.)  Alternatively, Jive also offers it with your company information.  I don’t want to just copy what Gartner has to say so let me just focus on the use cases for Social Software and the leader quadrant. […]

Eloqua Topliners : Doing Community Right

Mark Polly, Sales Director at Perficient, recently wrote a blog on Oracle Eloqua Topliners, an excellent tool for building communities. Marketing automation is a hot topic today, but can be very confusing.  There have been a lot of entrants to the market in the last few years, with lots of features coming online daily.  In […]

Community done right: Eloqua Topliners for marketing

Marketing automation is a hot topic today, but can be very confusing.  There have been a lot of entrants to the market in the last few years, with lots of features coming online daily.  In addition, marketing tools rarely stand alone and need to be integrated into your website, your portal, your social communities and […]

Congratulations to Marshfield Clinic on Web Development WebAward!

Congratulations to Perficient client Marshfield Clinic on their 2013 Healthcare Provider Standard of Excellence WebAward in Web Development. The Web Marketing Association‘s annual WebAward competition has been setting the standard of excellence for website development since 1997. Independent expert judges from around the world review sites in 96 industries. The best are recognized with a […]

Cognos TM1 – View and Subset Maintenance Considerations

TM1 TurboIntegrator is the programming or scripting tool that allows you to automate data importation, metadata management, and many other tasks. Scripts built with TurboIntegrator or “TI”, can be saved, edited and, through the use of chores, be set up to run at regular intervals.  TI scripts can be used to process existing TM1 data […]

Partnering with social business and portal leader, Liferay

Organizations are beginning to realize the true cost of losses in productivity and efficiency due to gaps in collaboration and communication. As a result, portals, collaboration tools and social business enablers are taking center stage in enterprise technology. Intranets are connecting employees, giving them easy access to documents and information, and enabling them to collaborate […]

Mobile-Big Data-Predictive Analytics-Social Media & the US Open

So what do all of these technology solutions have to do with the US Open? Behind the scenes, IBM has helped run the show since 1990. A recent online article shows how IBM is using these tools to flow information far beyond match scores. Handheld devices used courtside feed multiple data points such as ball […]

Is Cloud Computing the Answer for Healthcare?

It is a much talked about fact that the healthcare industry lags behind other industries in IT adoption. With constantly changing regulations, security concerns, and the pressure to deliver better care at a lower cost, healthcare providers have not implemented the latest technologies to leverage their data. One solution to these issues is cloud computing. […]

5 ways OBI + BPM + Member Portal = Success

What kind of equation is that? I can understand Member Portal, but OBI? BPM? Well, OBI stands for operational business intelligence. OBI is real-time, dynamic use of analytics that enables a service component to decide, based upon the information available, how to proceed in engaging with a stakeholder. BPM, or business process management, refers to […]

Tennis, Lync, SharePoint; Lessons in Teamwork & Winning Combos

I recently started playing tennis again after a long absence from the game.  My son is just learning how to play and I want to be able to play with him as he gets older. While I played tennis in (high) school in Ireland, I was never a particularly strong individual player – I had […]

12 Habits of Highly Collaborative Organizations

Thanks for Erin Moloney (@ErinE) for pointing this out to me.  Jacob Morgan has a good article out at entitled, “The 12 Habits of Highly Collaborative Organizations“.  It’s worth a thorough read.  Here’s the accompanying diagram. What I like about his 12 principles are that fact that it’s pragmatic and technology agnostic. At it’s […]

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