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Posts Tagged ‘Banking’

MicroStrategy World Customer Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss

The MicroStrategy World 2019 agenda is out and it’s time to start planning your conference schedule (it’s easy with the MicroStrategy mobile app). Among the many can’t-miss sessions, there are two customer sessions you should make time for: AllianceBernstein and UBS. These two key customers will share the innovative ways they have transformed their organizations […]

6 Best Practices for Your CECL Response Program

Understanding the new current expected credit loss (CECL) regulation, how it impacts an organization, and how to go about implementing and managing a response program will be critical for firms carrying financial assets covered by the accounting standard update. Companies will need to understand the history and lifecycle of their data and processes, and engage […]

Implementing a CECL Response Program

Organizations will need to modify or redesign their loss reserve processes and systems based on the new CECL standard in light of the substantive changes in methodology. As CECL requires a forecast of loan losses over the life of the instrument, both at the time of origination as well as the revaluation on an ongoing […]

Financial Statements and Disclosures under CECL

Entities must first include the new CECL disclosures in their financial statements and regulatory reports (e.g., the quarterly call report), commencing with the aforementioned effective dates. There is no separate filing requirement for CECL. The structure and granularity of an entity’s income statement and balance sheet does not to change, as the details of the […]

CECL Model Alternatives

CECL requires loss estimates to include relevant information about past events, current condition and reasonable and supportable forecasts using both internal and external information, including a range of qualitative and quantitative factors. Estimates of expected credit losses must consider information related to the borrower’s creditworthiness, the issuer’s underwriting practices, and the current and forecasted direction […]

The New CECL Accounting Standard

CECL, or current expected credit loss, is a new accounting standard that will change how financial institutions account for expected credit losses. Complying with the new CECL standard will have a major impact on an institutions’ operations, accounting/finance, IT, credit, and risk processes and systems. Under current US GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), an “incurred […]

FDIC Part 370 Testing Support

Each phase of a company’s Part 370 response will have to undergo rigorous testing to ensure that all the regulatory requirements are met and the FDIC’s ongoing testing will produce satisfactory results. Our industry-leading DevOps organization that can assist with: Test planning and execution Defect tracking and reporting Requirements traceability Continuous integration As with requirements […]

Requirements Gathering For FDIC Part 370

For each of the technical work streams involved in a company’s Part 370 response, requirements will need to be defined and vetted with key stakeholders across the organization, as well as potentially with regulators. We have extensive experience creating business, functional, and technical requirements across a number of different companies in the financial services space. […]

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FDIC Part 370 Program Management

A bank’s response to Part 370 will require a multi-year, multi-functional program that could encompass dozens of individual projects. Given the scope and scale of affected institutions, most will already have several layers of project management responsible for different areas of the business. A strong response to Part 370 will need to integrate those different […]

Process Reengineering For FDIC Part 370 Compliance

In order to support the initial and ongoing response to Part 370, most organizations will need to implement new processes around data and account management, reporting, and file generation. While each of these process updates can happen individually under those projects, it would be beneficial for a company to take a holistic approach to process […]

FDIC Part 370 Report Design

Part 370 requires two annual reports to be generated by covered institutions, and while the general requirements for each are laid out in the rule, there is little specificity about how the reports must be structured or formatted. We have experience designing reports to accommodate banking regulators and is positioned to help a company design […]

File Generation For FDIC Part 370

The FDIC requires a set of four files to be available within 24 hours of a bank’s failure, and responding companies must design how these files will be generated, stored, and transmitted. Having the data available to respond is a critical first step, but thought must put into how the company will actually take that […]

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