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Posts Tagged ‘automotive industry’

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Revving Up Loyalty at the Marconi Automotive Museum

The Marconi Automotive Museum in Southern California was the perfect backdrop for our roundtable event, during which we discussed the evolution of brand loyalty with leaders from several of the world’s most influential automobile manufacturers.  This is an important topic for the automotive and mobility industry, one that is front and center as emerging technology […]

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Another Electrifying Year for MRacing’s Formula SAE Season

For the second year in a row, I spent an evening with my colleagues at the University of Michigan’s Ford Robotics Center in Ann Arbor to celebrate MRacing’s unveiling of this year’s EV. It did not disappoint – it was a beauty, designed with the look and feel of a Michigan football helmet, including the […]

Keith Tomatore

[Podcast] What if Your Commute Could Change the World? An Interview With Keith Tomatore

In this episode of “What If? So What?” Jim sits down with Keith Tomatore, a seasoned automotive industry veteran and leader of Perficient’s automotive practice. Together, they embark on a journey into the electrifying future of the automotive industry. Keith shares his unique journey from his start at Swiss Army Brands to spearheading digital transformation […]

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Automotive Dealerships Should Look More Like Genius Bars

When we conducted our electric vehicle customer journey research last year, we confirmed a commonly held belief in the United States: most people aren’t happy with their dealership experiences, specifically as it relates to aggressive sales tactics. Automotive customers desire experiences and service centers that meet their needs, listen to their concerns, and provide a […]

White Semi Trailer Truck Heading Down A Four Lane Highway At Dusk

A Look Back On The Automotive Industry’s Last Quarter of 2023

It’s best to learn from our past in order to prepare for the future. As part of that practice, let’s review what happened in the last quarter of 2023 for the automotive industry, and make some predictions on what we can expect for 2024. Gas Prices at the Close of Q4, 2023: Hawaii               $4.68    […]

Hand Is Opening The Radiator Cap To Check The Coolant Level

Deliver an OEM Parts Program That Captures Customers for a Lifetime

OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and their dealerships have a longstanding partnership that has built a robust automotive industry in the United States. The ideal state is to have OEMs work with their dealerships to sell genuine OEM parts, which would benefit not only the OEMs and dealerships but also the customer’s automotive experience. However, full […]

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A Tribute to Mr. James G. O’Connor

First, I want to state that while I have the great honor of leading our automotive team, there are so many great teammates all over the organization and world that make up the heart and soul of the practice. That being said, the one person that I will call out is my mentor and bonus […]

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What Do Windshield Wipers, Cruise Control, and Winton Motor Company All Have In Common?

Mary Anderson and the Windshield Wipers Mary Anderson, who visited NYC on a snowy day in the early 1900s, saw the need for manual wipers that the driver could use from inside the vehicle. In 1905, Mary Anderson invented windshield wipers to improve driving in rain and snow. Before the invention of windshield wipers, drivers […]

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Let’s Leave Behind Electric Vehicle Tunnel Vision

Automotive innovation is only speeding up as we head into 2024, but it might not look that way when focusing on electric vehicles. In the last few months of 2023, it seemed the headlines were only filled with bad news about OEMs who had invested in EVs and struggled to get them off the lots. […]

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Dealership Transformation Extends Beyond the Dealership

When I hear the term “dealer transformation,” I always think that the term is too narrow in speaking about just the transformation within the dealership. There is no doubt that the consumer today has very different expectations and preferences concerning dealerships and shopping experiences than the consumer of ten years ago, and dealerships need to […]

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Is Loyalty Dead? Automotive & Mobility Experts Discuss During Our London Event

Alongside our partners HCLSoftware and AWS, we hosted an automotive panel in London and invited major OEMs as well as other innovative leaders in the industry. Mark Felix, the CMO of The AA in London, was the keynote speaker followed by Martin Tavener, CTO of Commerce at HCLSoftware. I’m proud to have been a part […]

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EVs and the Evolution of Automotive Commerce: Highlights from Our Detroit Event

At the beautiful Shinola Hotel in downtown Detroit, we invited a distinguished group of automotive and mobility industry leaders to participate in a discussion on the current state of the industry. The conversation was lively, and we traded ideas, theories, and suggestions on how OEMs and automotive suppliers could thrive in this changing industry.  The […]

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