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SEC Investment Company Reporting Modernization Support

The first thing any investment company must do in response to the new SEC Investment Company Reporting Modernization is evaluate its current state of readiness. Chances are you have started a compliance program. However, we can help you understand your gaps, including areas where you need immediate action and longer-term changes to support the program. […]

Enabling Key Stakeholders in the Insurance Industry

Ensuring that agents and brokers have the best tools to evaluate and close opportunities can be a real differentiator for insurance companies. For example, many companies wish to invest in solutions that effectively automate and improve underwriting, as such solutions can help remove human bias, increase the lendable pool of consumers, and reduce response times. […]

Common Challenges In Adopting The Shared Investigator Platform

This is the fourth post in a series on the TransCelerate Shared Investigator Platform (SIP). For more background on TransCelerate and the SIP, see the previous three posts. In today’s post, we’ll be looking at the common challenges pharma companies face as they work to adopt the SIP. If you happen to be a pharmaceutical […]

SEC Investment Company Reporting Modernization Program Challenges

In a new guide, we discuss the background of the SEC’s Investment Company Reporting Modernization Rules and the potential effects on individual financial institutions. The snippet below talks about the challenges you can expect when developing a response program. Expect challenges in various areas: Data Availability: All required data elements may not be available internally. […]

Maintaining Regulatory-Compliant Cloud Solutions

The benefits of cloud hosting – including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) – are very clear: less upfront capital, faster implementations, scalability and elasticity, and no need for individual companies to maintain physical space, hardware, and/or technical staff for support. But there are also several risks to consider, including physical and technical security, […]

Essential in the Airline Industry: Vision and Commitment

While the term “business transformation” has been floated around for decades, digital and the deployment of modern technology remain the cornerstone of today’s investment decisions. Customer expectations have changed greatly in recent years. Strong brands like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, which investors often refer to as FAANG, have changed consumer behavior. Not only […]

The Backbone of Operations in the Car Rental Industry

Digital transformation can absolutely be thought of as improving a website through which a car rental company sells its used vehicles – an important source of revenue for the company. It can also be thought of as enhancing a mobile app that enables customers to make, modify, or cancel reservations, view a car’s mileage and […]

Healthcare Data

Why Companies Are Excited About The Shared Investigator Platform

This is the third post in a series on the TransCelerate Shared Investigator Platform (SIP). For more background on TransCelerate and SIP, see the previous two posts. In today’s post, we’ll be exploring the benefits of adopting the SIP. First and foremost, the SIP resolves one of the biggest complaints expressed by sites, which is […]

Attracting and Cultivating Customers in the Insurance Industry

Attracting new customers and cultivating existing relationships by building a great customer experience is a certainly a recipe for growth and profitability. When speaking of customer experience, one typically thinks of the technology customers interact with, be it a website or a mobile app. Customer experience encompasses the features, functionality, and benefits provided to customers […]

SEC Investment Company Reporting Modernization Foundational Work

In a new guide, we discuss the background of the SEC’s Investment Company Reporting Modernization Rules and the potential effects on individual financial institutions. The snippet below talks about the foundational work companies should have already completed. By now, you should have a program in place that covers the following work streams: Engage Report Filing […]

How You Interact Digitally Matters in the Car Rental Industry

While mobility and connected cars remain two of the most talked-about topics in the industry, car rental companies continue to invest heavily in other forms of digital transformation because they realize that providing an incredible customer experience is important to their business. Whether it involves making a reservation on the company’s website or making a […]

How Microsoft Word “Protected View” Stops Information Leaks

Microsoft Word has long offered support for loading images and templates over the network.  This is a great feature within corporate environments because it facilitates the reuse of assets like logos and corporate document templates.  Unfortunately, these features can be abused by bad actors to obtain operational intelligence on individuals, or even to steal credentials.  […]

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