In Salesforce Apex, exceptions arise from various factors such as invalid operations, surpassing governor limits, or encountering critical system errors. Apex provides a comprehensive framework to handle these exceptions, enabling applications to maintain stability and avoid unexpected failures. How to Overcome Exceptions Effectively? To overcome exceptions in Salesforce Apex, follow these strategies: Use Try-Catch Blocks: […]
Tushar Khorate –
Tushar Khorate is a Technical Consultant at Perficient, a results-oriented Salesforce and Vlocity Omnistudio professional with over three years of experience in the Salesforce platform and two years specializing in Vlocity Omnistudio. He has a deep understanding of Salesforce functionalities and has mastered leveraging Vlocity Omnistudio to streamline business processes and craft exceptional customer experiences. 5x Salesforce and 2x Omnistudio certifications further validate his expertise. He has 300+ badges completed on the trailhead and achieved a 3-star Ranger Rank, which showcases his continuous learning. Tushar is passionate about exploring new technologies.