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Sean Hunt

Sean Hunt is currently a Sr. Solutions Architect with Perficient in their Healthcare Practice, a former VP of Technology with a Population Health company, Senior Director at Express Scripts and Deloitte, EY, and Microsoft Consultant with extensive experience leading process and business transformation initiatives in a variety of industries, including healthcare, and bridging the gap between operational decisions and financial targets. Sean has developed deep expertise in process re-engineering, business process transformation, M&A integration, data analytics, large-scale operations, and full lifecycle ERP implementations throughout his career. Additionally, he is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Agile professional.

Blogs from this Author

Doctor And Patient

8 Capabilities for Agile M&A in Healthcare Organizations

As the numbers of mergers and acquisitions continue to rise, the majority still fail to realize their intended value. Following best-practices and using third party support can help increase your chances of success. Perficient’s wide variety of tools and assets in the following eight capability categories help complement and drive the overall success of a […]

Pharmaceutical Saleswoman Presentation

Healthcare M&A: Pillars of Success

While the number of healthcare M&A transactions continues to recover since the COVID-19 pandemic, the overwhelming majority of organizations still fail to realize their intended M&A value. This is often due to unclearly defined business imperatives, poor program planning, and lack of discipline around establishing necessary initial guardrails. There are however, some best practices that […]

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Why Healthcare Organizations are Missing the Mark in M&A

Market pressures are motivating both hospitals and health systems to seek operational, strategic, or financial value through consolidation. The yearly number of hospital M&A transactions has grown over the past decade. While healthcare M&A slowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are once again starting to see deal volume grow at a rate that’s overwhelming […]