Writing well is hard work. Writing well for digital audiences, with short attention spans and low patience, is that much harder. Harder still is writing well for a healthcare audience. Good writers who do well in other industries often struggle with healthcare. And that’s in part because of a lack of the right soft skills. […]
Michael Adkins – Senior Content and IA Strategist, Digital Health Strategy
As part of Perficient's Digital Health Strategy team, Michael partners with healthcare organizations to create informative, conversion-centered content for a variety of applications, including websites and blogs. Michael writes content that highlights clients’ service-line offerings, expertise in unique treatments, differentiators in competitive markets and additional factors that are important to patients.
Blogs from this Author
Don’t Be So Extra: How to Create Healthcare Content for Generation Z
“I just don’t know how to talk to these Generation-Zers.” I’ve heard this sort of sentiment from many healthcare clients. It’s come up more often in the last few years, as members of Generation Z (Gen Z) are engaging more with healthcare providers in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. My colleague Marlana Voerster has […]
Why Tel Links Can Help Your Healthcare Website Avoid a Bad Connection
Success! You’ve done it: Your healthcare website user is ready to convert. You’ve convinced them with your value proposition, made them feel valued and understood with your thoughtful tone, and motivated them to take action. As they scan for a phone number to reach you … nothing. No tel links. The user moves on. That’s […]
Why Your Value Proposition Is Crucial to Your Healthcare Services Content
“I just don’t know why someone would choose us over a competitor.” It’s a statement we’ve heard from many healthcare marketing professionals when we ask them what makes them stand out from other organizations in their service area — in essence, asking them to identify their value proposition. That’s a real problem, because healthcare consumers […]
Healthcare Content: The Challenges of Writing for Healthcare Consumers
It seems like such a simple task: Write informative content about your healthcare organization that speaks to your users’ concerns and encourages them to convert. Easy, right? If you’re involved even tangentially with healthcare content development, I’m assuming the preceding paragraph led to sarcastic scoffs or eye-rolling from you. Writing high-quality healthcare content that converts […]
CTA Strategy for Healthcare Content: 4 Ways to Increase Conversions
As we know, many users don’t actually read your healthcare content. Instead, they scan it. They’re scanning for the action that’s relevant to their journey, such as how to schedule an appointment, a phone number or a web form. And, frankly, that’s what you want them to do — to convert. To do that, you […]
Hone Your Healthcare Content’s Tone: 6 Best Practices
The content of your healthcare organization’s website is key. But perhaps as important as the actual substance of what you say on your site is how you say it — the tone in which you present the information. With in-person or video communication, audiences can infer deeper meaning, deduce emotional states, and gauge the speaker’s […]
Your Healthcare Content Should Never Use This Word: 4 Reasons Why
Writing good healthcare content that motivates users to convert isn’t easy. It takes time and effort to build trust with a consumer and help them feel comfortable taking the next step with your organization. And there’s one word that will never help you in those efforts. That word should never appear on your consumer-facing website […]
How Taxonomy Connects Healthcare Consumers With Content
We’ve all been spoiled by how easy Amazon and other leading e-commerce leaders have made it for us to find related items when we browse their websites. If I’m searching for a pair of shoes or a blender but not finding the exact item I want, I can often find related items that the site […]
Recruiting the Future of Healthcare: Why Nurses Are the Key to Healthcare Organizations’ Success
In the first article in this series, I wrote about my recent healthcare journey and how it lined up (and didn’t) with the strategic advice we give our healthcare clients. In part two of the series, I discussed the importance of an outstanding consumer experience — not just the digital experience — and how it’s […]
Healthcare Patient Experience: Why Digital Can Only Take Your Healthcare Organization So Far
In the first blog article of this series, I wrote about my own recent healthcare journey. After undergoing life-saving lung surgery, there I was: in a hospital bed, grateful to be alive and recently off my ventilator — shades of the film “Alien” if you’ve never had the pleasure. And all I had on my […]
Decide Not to Die: What I Learned About Healthcare Strategy by Being a Patient
As healthcare strategists, the first thing we tell our clients is that all healthcare consumers are on a journey. The story goes something like this: they’re told they or a loved one has a condition, they research and learn more about it, and then they decide to reach out for help. It’s at that inflection […]