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Kim Williams-Czopek

Kim Williams-Czopek is a Director of Digital Strategy at Perficient. She’s been a senior leader in several digital agencies, digital product companies, and served as VP of Digital on the brand side. She specializes in customer experience, commerce, digital responsibility, and digital business strategies.

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Stop Your Digital Transformation if Any of These Are True (Pt. 2)

Part 1 of this series discusses the first two scenarios that should set off alarm bells if you are trying to execute a digital transformation. In this part, I discuss the final three scenarios and what you can do to try to course correct to keep a digital transformation on track. As you get deeper into […]

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Stop Your Digital Transformation If Any of These Are True (Pt. 1)

Digital Transformation continues to be a hot topic across organizations. In a recent IDG poll more than ⅓ of businesses have started down a digital transformation path with almost ⅔ in some state of operating mode or ‘completion’ (can a transformation every be complete?). The ground-truth of a lot of these digital transformations is while […]

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Phygital – It’s More than a Buzzword

Two weeks ago I spoke at the annual SPECS Show. The retail-focused conference was centered on the physical aspects of running a retail business today, but there was also a dedicated track for discussions around digital trends. I gave a presentation on how digital and physical can meld, aka, PHYGITAL. Buzzwords aside, customer behavior trends […]

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Who’s the Expert in Digital Trends? Your Customer.

It’s the beginning of the year and there is no shortage of “Top Digital Trends” articles describing all the ways organizations need to be heads up to the next big thing in digital if they don’t want their expenses to increase and profits shrink. These articles are full of valuable information. Some of it may […] Resizeimage 6

Instead of Mobile-First, How About Mobile-By-Design?

While this year’s NRF was full of the promise of AI and machine learning to enhance customer experiences across digital channels, I couldn’t help but think that while AI is exciting, sexy, and can probably deliver on the promise of great CX once fully implemented and refined (over time), what about a customer’s experience right now?  […]

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