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Eric SannerSolutions Architect

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Windows Aigswjmvoeo Unsplash

Sitecore, ltcs2022, Docker, VMs and Windows 11

Sitecore recently updated their docker images to use ltsc2022. Martin Miles showed us what that means for developers and how to update your container environment to run Sitecore in process isolation mode. In short, process isolation is again a viable option to improve performance of running containers locally. I was hopeful the ltsc2022 images were […]

Hiveboxx Ooiwpdfc0rw Unsplash

Case Study: Lift and Shift from Drupal to Sitecore SXA: Part 2

Welcome back to this case study on doing a lift and shift from Drupal to Sitecore 10.2 and SXA. In the previous article we setup a theme, a custom grid and a base component. This removed all the extra divs and containers normally injected by SXA. In this article, we’ll use the html from drupal […]

Optimizely Configured Commerce Best Practices

Case Study: Lift and Shift from Drupal to Sitecore SXA: Part 1

Welcome back to this case study on doing a lift and shift from Drupal to Sitecore 10.2 and SXA. In this article, we’ll show the theme setup, the grid setup and the base sxa component. Theme Since we are using SXA, we used the sxa cli to create our theme and upload into Sitecore. I […]

Barth Bailey D2uhxwtkgn4 Unsplash

Case Study: Lift and Shift from Drupal to Sitecore SXA

Drupal to Sitecore SXA One of my recent projects was a full site lift and shift from Drupal to Sitecore 10.2 and SXA. The goal was to make the new frontend Sitecore site look exactly like the old Drupal site. We did fix a few accessibility issues on the existing site as we went, but […]

Soner Eker Jhtpceq2mmu Unsplash

Going Multilingual in Sitecore Part 4: Multiple Languages in SXA

Welcome back to Going Multilingual in Sitecore. It’s been a while since I’ve worked on a site that had content in multiple languages. I was thankful to my 2019 self that I had written these articles. Back then, I was using Sitecore 8.X. Today I am using Sitecore 10.X with SXA. While most of the […]

Kanawatth 1216520813 Istock

Using Docker – Multiple Virtual Machines

I work on multiple projects at the same time. In my daily workflow, I switch between projects throughout the day. It is important for me to keep my projects separate for security reasons. To accomplish this, I have a separate virtual machine for each client. I am able to stay logged in to required systems, […]

Sittipol Sukuna 1458222599 Istock

Using Docker – docker-index.exe High CPU and Disk Usage

I recently updated Docker Desktop to version 4.16.3. My system ran much slower than I am used to when running docker. My first reaction is to open task manager and see what is going on with my system. Docker Desktop is using 81% of my CPU!!!?? Expanding the item, I notice the culprit is docker-index.exe. […]

My Journey with Sitecore Data Exchange Framework (DEF)

Many projects need to import data. I have found it to be a painful process every time. Each import is custom and requires custom code. There are parts of the process that are the same each time (connecting with source data, reading data, creating a new item, avoiding duplicates, updating existing items). I wanted to […]

Todd Trapani Mdjxgabn Xe Unsplash

Docker Bootcamp – Container Isolation Modes

Welcome back to Docker Bootcamp.  In the previous post, we learned about performance and how to tune our containers.  In this post we’ll look at another way to improve the performance of your containers by using process isolation mode.  By default, windows containers run in hyper-v mode.  When we run our containers in hyper-v mode […]

Istock 1204761918

AI Generation – Problems for the Present

The field of AI-generated content has been growing since 2020. I personally never paid much attention until recently as more and more headlines are hitting the news and people I know are creating AI art. While there is some great content being produced, it has led me to ask many questions. Ethics of AI-Generated Content […]

The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

Digital Accessibility – Using a Screen Reader

I have heard many people say, “I’ll just download a screen reader and test that bug”. Using a screen reader takes time and practice to use in a similar way that a user with a disability would use the tool. It’s important to know the keyboard shortcuts as well as understanding how to use them […]

Istock 1222544927

Docker Bootcamp – Understanding Performance and Performance Tuning

Welcome back to docker bootcamp.  In a previous post, we learned how to set resource limits for our containers.  In this post, we will dig deep into performance.  We’ll start with a brief history lesson about CPUs and hyperthreading then move on to an example that will help explain how different CPUs can impact performance.  […]

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