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How to Improve Your Organization’s Customer Experience in the Age of Digital Insurance

As customer expectations around how to purchase insurance online evolve, it’s crucial for insurance carriers to create online purchasing experiences that exceed expectations and drive revenue and growth opportunities for their organizations. To do this the right way, insurance carriers will need to evaluate their current ecommerce strategy to ensure they’re meeting both business goals and customer needs.

The insurance industry, just like any other, has seen its trends evolve. Methodologies such as marketplaces, digital insurance models, and embedded insurance touchpoints have become mature and beneficial to many insurance carriers to keep up with the competition. As online buying power increases to areas such as insurance, implementing these throughout the customer lifecycle will make purchasing insurance in a digital environment easily interactive and seamless.

In our newly published guide, Commerce Experiences and the Rise of Digital-First Insurance, you’ll learn more about three evolving trends in the insurance industry, the current state of commerce and insurance, paths to the end-consumer, and more on how an insurance carrier can create an online purchasing experience that’s intuitive and personalized for both the intermediary and digital-direct consumer.

To gain more in-depth insights and information, download our guide today.

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Marit Sosnoff

Marit Sosnoff is a Marketing Coordinator on the Platforms and Technology pillar at Perficient. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, taking walks, and discovering new places.

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