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Compliance Hurdles You Can Expect With the CCPA


My last blog introduced the CCPA and discussed how it will impact automotive companies. This blog examines compliance hurdles that will come with the California Consumer Privacy Act. The vast majority of the issues that you will face when working towards CCPA compliance are technical ones. You will need to create a “compliance portal” to monitor and handle the consumer requests for data deletion. To do this, you’ll need to work with a trusted technology and digital transformation partner with extensive knowledge of the CCPA and the options that make it easier for you to comply.

For example, you could allow users to fill out a form, and with a single request that their data be deleted, regardless of how many systems it resides in. This automated approach would eliminate the need to manually go into different applications and delete the data, and it would provide consumers with confirmation that their data was deleted.

One of the hurdles that the CCPA introduces includes the ability to remove a user’s data from your reporting, as well as the ability to remove their data from any data sets you plan on selling or trading with a data partner. This can be accomplished by using a tag management system to block the firing of tags and setting of cookies for a user and have their data omitted.

Some of the other challenges that may not be top-of-mind are the ability to remove the user’s data from ad targeting and website personalization, analytics reports, and from the hands of data brokers.

To learn more about the CCPA’s impact on the automotive industry, compliance hurdles to expect, and how to address data privacy challenges, you can click here or download below.

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Michael Thomas, Director of Analytics

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