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Episerver Partner Connect Boston: A Recap

Episerver Partner Connect In Boston

Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Episerver Partner Connect event in Boston. Over the course of an afternoon, participants were provided with detailed insights into Episerver; where the product stands in comparison to its competitors, how Episerver’s products come together to connect analytics, content and digital marketing through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and where the product is going from here.

Being newer to the Episerver game, I was really excited to go to the event to learn as much as I could and meet the experts who could answer the warehouse of questions I had. Thankfully, I now have a list of Episerver colleague contact information to use as more questions pop up!

The event had an amazing atmosphere with a combination of sessions, open forum to ask questions and finished off with a networking event. During the sessions, Episerver leaders spoke about their desire to continue to drive business forward for their partners, like me, and to change the mindset about how their product can be used for more than just a marketing website.

As I took about eight pages of notes, not including the slide decks from the individual presentations, I am going to attempt to condense them down to some key points and pieces that made me excited!

Episerver Ascend 2019

  • Annual event happening in Miami, Fl, October 27-29th covering topics like strategy (my favorite), website migrations, intense developer and code base sessions and product roadmap and labs. Definitely sounds like a must-attend event.

Partner Sales Academy

  • Coming soon! A knowledge base site to make sure partners and customers can stay up-to-date on the product, as well as what product information can help us preach about Episerver, and also why it might be a great fit for a potential customer.

New Product Features

  • Personalization, Analytics and AI
    • At the B2B Online Summit, attendees were questioned about future trends with the overwhelming response being personalization, mass creating personalized content and validating targeted content with data. Episerver’s product team spoke of enhancements at this recent event to their analytics and AI capabilities and reiterated that improving this functionality will continue to be a priority in the future. With Episerver’s AI functionality already being able to personalize content after one page view, I am desperately curious what these additional enhancements will be. Stay tuned!
  • Episerver Commerce
    • Their eCommerce product and what I have always heard Episerver is known for, has some new features coming as well including changes to look and feel and extended order management capabilities underway.

New Sales Tools

  • With the target audience of the event being partner-focused, new material to help partners sell is being added including a Digital Agility Model and current resources are being updated such as new customer stories and reports like the Forrester Total Economic Impact report. Episerver has set an internal goal to maintain previous and new documentation in a timely manner!

A few other tidbits were shared as well but why spoil everything when you can check out Episerver’s site for product information and events including Ascend 2019. It was a spectacular event and I left feeling motivated and inspired to learn more about Episerver and how I can use all of its features.

One Episerver colleague told me that they are committed to focusing on improving the product to give customers what they want and making sure it is the right fit for their new customers and not just blindly selling.

Interested in learning a bit more about Episerver, have more general questions about digital strategy or Perficient? Leave a comment, submit the contact us form or catch me on LinkedIn or Twitter (I will be a Twitter master one day)!

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Jo Troxell, Senior Digital Strategy Consultant

Jo Troxell is a digital and technology analyst who has vast experience in digital strategy and implementation, quality assurance, content management, front and back end development. He drives data-led marketing efforts for his clients. Jo works with clients to help them grow their business as they focus on reaching digital maturity through personalization, A/B testing, analytics to help them grow further, faster.

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