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Video: Sitecore Marketing Quick Tip – “My Toolbar”

According to the internet: actor, author, painter, musician, comedian, Steve Martin once said, “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”
With that insight, I want to share a quick tip that, for you, may live in the same space of obviousness as Mr. Martin’s statement. In Sitecore, for regular users in the Content Editor, you probably have noticed the “My Toolbar” tab every day, and hopefully you have set it up. If that is the case, you can whisper a “duh” under your breath, point and laugh, and possibly find a new blog post to read. If you have not ever taken the time to set up this useful feature – boy have I got a time-saver of a video for you.

Setting up your “My Toolbar” for extreme productivity.

Sitecore My Toolbar
In the video I walk you through my personal preference for this custom toolbar, and show you how to quickly set up a useful palette. If you have different users set up for different roles – Content Author, Analytics, Marketer – I encourage you to set up a custom “My Toolbar” for each user. This will provide focus and optimal productivity in your workspace.

The function is pretty straight forward, and again, I know this seems a bit obvious. However, I rarely encounter this toolbar setup. Most cases, I click on the My Toolbar tab of a user’s Content Editor, and only find “Save” and “Customize” – showing that it is going unused. Clicking through tabs, especially as you get familiar with where buttons are located, will definitely slow you down. Put the actions that you want in one place on “My Toolbar” and you will definitely see increased productivity that adds up over time.

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Rick Bauer, Senior Solutions Architect

As a 5-time Sitecore Strategy MVP and Senior Solutions Architect at Perficient, Rick provides insight, training, and a passion for a fully-realized potential of the Sitecore Customer Experience Platform and Content Hub. He utilizes his years of hands-on Sitecore know-how and certification to help deliver clear solutions and actionable results for marketers - both new to the platforms, or looking to take them to the next level of maturity.

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