It’s probably a safe assumption that your organization made the switch to an electronic document management system (e.g., SharePoint, Office 365, Documentum, Alfresco, NextDocs, eDOCs DM) some time ago. Take a few minutes and think back on the underlying reasons for that investment.
I’m sure the list you came up with includes things like keeping documents organized in a central repository, making them accessible wherever you may be in the world, and to facilitating collaboration. All great reasons.
Now think about those documents in the system that require signatures. With your current process, what does it take to sign them? If your answer is typical, it probably involves a very manual process that includes printing, scanning, and maybe even mailing. Isn’t that counterintuitive? Doesn’t that partially defeat the objective of keeping processes streamlined and electronic?
Imagine being able to integrate an industry-compliant and validated digital signature solution with your document management system. There would be no need for printing, scanning, mailing, or even uploading signed documents. The time and cost-savings can be significant.
Using a document management system is a great start, but it’s time to maximize your investment and streamline your business processes even more, while saving resources.
Join us for the upcoming webinar Implementing Digital Signatures in an FDA Regulated Environment to hear how you can benefit from a highly-regarded digital signature solution. You’re also welcome to contact us if you have specific requirements you’d like to discuss.