Last week while at the annual Microsoft Dynamics Convergence in New Orleans (with 10,000 other people- partners, clients and MS employees) there was a great session on Advanced Analytics for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Many of these options have been available for the last few years since the release of CRM 2011 (both online and on-premises) like Charts, Dashboards, Export to Excel, Pivot Tables and Reports (SSRS). Some items have been enabled/enhanced since the release of Microsoft Office Excel 2013 like Power Pivot, and Power View. Some very cool stuff with a lot of possibilities. By the way, there tools come with Excel 2013 Pro and just need to be enabled. One of the neat items now available with Excel 2013 is the concept of “Apps for Office”. Take a look here for information on the apps that with data from CRM can help take your analytics to the next level, like Bing Maps and Bubbles just to name a few. To find the Customer Analysis Templates for Microsoft Dynamics CRM you can find them here (specifically for PowerPivot and Power View). Finally for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Chart Enhancements you can find the details here. Give them a try and see how Powerful CRM data can be for your organization without involvement from developers.