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Posts Tagged ‘Technical’

WebSphere Portal 8: New Modular Theme Framework

IBM has been reworking WebSphere Portal themes for a long time now.  The feedback I get on themes in Portal 7 is they are too complicated, too slow, and not well documented.  With WebSphere Portal 8, IBM is addressing these concerns with a new theme architecture.  IBM is touting the new theme as very modular, […]

Creating Managed Pages in WebSphere Portal 8: First Look

I’ve starting playing with IBM WebSphere Portal 8 (see Installing Part 1 and Installing Part 2) and the first task I attempted was to create a new page.  If you haven’t heard, WebSphere Portal 8 includes a new feature called Managed Pages. With this feature, you can create Projects to hold changes to Portal, such […]

Installing IBM WebSphere Portal 8

I’ve started experimenting with the new IBM WebSphere Portal 8 (Enable version).  My first adventure that I’d like to share with you was downloading and installing this new version.  I’ve installed previos versions of Portal many, many times starting with version 5.0.  So I jumped onto the IBM website, found the install images and started […]

SharePoint Online Myths Debunked

Mo Omar posted a video on YouTube that debunks three myths he has been hearing regarding SharePoint online.  Mo is a Perficient Senior Technical Consultant and SharePoint MVP.   Mo talks about three myths in the video: On premise version has more features than the cloud version Developing solutions is more limited on the cloud […]

IBM Connections Available and new Plug-in For Windows

IBM Connections continues to be a hot topic with clients.  This past weekend IBM released the latest version of Connections –  In this latest release, IBM has added support for Redhat EL 6.1, Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 9, and Sametime 8.5.2.  There also lots of fixes included. In addition, IBM just uploaded a newer […]

WebSphere Portal Mobile Accelerator Update

IBM announced the availability of v7.0.2 of Mobile Portal Accelerator. Here are some details from IBM. New features: Support for WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.2 Updated Multi-Channel Server V6.3 Support for Media Access Server V6.3 Support for IBM Rational® Application Developer V8.0.4 Has built-in theme that provides an enhanced and consistent multichannel experience with WebSphere Portal Enhanced […]

Do not Neglect Portal Performance and Load Testing

Poor performance in a portal production environment will quickly become your number one complaint from your employees, partners and customers.  Given an option, your user community will look elsewhere and not come back.  Performance testing and load testing are often left to the last minute or skipped all together.  If 2 weeks before launch you […]

Using Splunk for WebSphere Application Server

Splunk hosted a webinar earlier today on their Splunk for WebSphere Application Server 2.0 application. This is an application they wrote that extends Splunk’s already powerful capabilities to provide WebSphere-specific searches and reports. If you’re not familiar with Splunk, you should take a look. In a nutshell: Your IT infrastructure generates massive amounts of data. […]

Using WebSphere Portal 7 for Document Storage

In the past, one of the weak points in IBM WebSphere Portal is its handling of documents or files.  Prior to verison 6.1, Portal came with a Portal Document Manager (PDM) portlet that did a fair job in letting you manage a file store in Portal.  PDM had many faults too – it wasn’t all […]

Updates to IBM Content Template Catalog

Back in October I blogged about IBM’s new Content Template Catalog for WebSphere Portal.  Now that I’m at Lotusphere, I just attended a session with more details. An interesting piece that I didn’t cover the first time was inclusion of SEO features.  New in Portal is the ability for WCM to add title and […]

IBM WebSphere Portal Theme Optimization

Themes in WebSphere Portal continue to undergo significant changes.  In the past few releases we have seen the following enhancements to themes introduced: Splitting theme from the wps.ear into separate applications that can be managed independently of the Portal code Introduction of Client Side Aggregation (CSA) which builds a page using Javascript on the browser […]

Sample Integration – OBIEE with Portal

Before We Begin Integrating OBIEE and Portal has been tricky due the lack of publicly available OBIEE documentation on the HtmlViewService, therefore, I wanted to write this post to describe the implementation of an OBIEE Chart portlet and provide a sample implementation.   I will cover some of the lessons learned and provide solutions to issues […]

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