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Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

Customer obsession: The next wave of competitive advantage

  Last week, I was fortunate to attend a presentation by Kyle McNabb, VP of Research Strategy at Forrester. He spoke about how empowered customers have given rise to a new era. “The device is not the problem, the problem is what we can do with the device,” he said. McNabb continued to tell the […]

Big Data and the Skies

Earlier this week, I read a news article about the use of Twitter, or more accurately, the use of data collected from Twitter to prohibit a passenger from boarding a United Airlines flight. Strangely enough, the person banned from the flight was probably among the people who should know the most about cyber-security and perceived […]

Salesforce Teases ‘Omni-Channel Service’ with Latest Release

  With Spring ‘15 just released, it is a great time to highlight some key changes in production instances relevant to your business. is adopting the phrase “Omni-Channel Service” as a theme for the upcoming Summer ’15 release of Service Cloud. The evolution of service channels for most contact centers has evolved rather significantly […]

11 Strategic Issues Facing CIOs in 2015

When we talk about digital transformation here at Perficient, we are often talking about big data, cloud, mobile and social.   In a recent Forbes article titled “CIO Lessons Learned: My Approach To The Top 10 Strategic Issues Of 2015“, Mark Sunday of Oracle says, “the CIO must be adept at understanding and responding to […]

Social Content As a Channel for Technology Buyers?

Via, I saw an infographic on what Social Content technology buyers user or intend to use. I have to admit I was a bit shocked by the data Eccolo Media was able to find in its survey. While I consider blogs to be a valid and valuable media channel, I haven’t considered Facebook, Pinterest, […]

Lessons from 2014: How to get more clicks on Facebook.

Merry Christmas!  As I have some time off at the end of the year, I’m looking back at information I have gathered in my reading list that I find interesting.  I came across the article We tested all the best advice to get more clicks on Facebook. Here’s what worked by Kevan Lee at Buffer’s Social blog. […]

Lessons from 2014: The Problem with Sentiment Analysis

As we wind down 2014, I’m taking a look back at some items in my reading list and bringing forward the ones I found important from a learning standpoint.  The article The Problem with Sentiment Analysis by Sarah Kessler at Fast Company in November 2014 qualifies as one of those “aha” articles. Analyzing social media has […]

Social Media as a News Outlet:

If Will McAvoy taught us anything during those three powerful seasons of The Newsroom, it’s that verified facts and details outweigh the race to be first in breaking a story. Social Media is seen as the enemy throughout the series, and they make a good argument as to why my profession can destroy the truth, […]

Customer Engagement: Disruption Enablement and Trends

Mark Polly, a Director at Perficient, recently wrote a blog post about customer engagement while attending CET World in New York this week.  Today’s consumer is in the driver’s seat, controlling the path to purchase at every step.  Companies talk about the customer driving the process but the actual methods to engage do not often […]

Is Your Content Marketing Inherently Flawed?

In the past week I’ve either read or listened to two heads of global marketing for two well-known brands. Both had a similar story with different sides of the same coin. Both had a message that dealt with marketers having to forget about telling their brand story and go with what customers want to hear. […]

Government, Social and Crisis Management

Governments have changed over time and must continue to change as technologies and need evolve.   Government is far more complex with the need to listen and engage across multiple channels.  But the importance increases in times of crisis.  By crisis we mean something like a disaster and not political fallout.  When crisis happen, people […]

A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager

In the BufferSocial blog, Kevan Lee posted an article for Social Media Managers.  The post takes a look a “typical” social media manager’s day and breaks down that day into many different activities, represented in the info graphic here.    Mr. Lee also provides several different views on how other people spend their days managing social […]

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