While most banks have a better grip on Know Your Customer requirements than they did years ago, the challenges and risks of non-compliance continue to grow as regulators focus on sources outside the financial institutions’ walls. What is the impact of a failed risk management program as a result of actions committed by a vendor or service provider? Your financial institution may be […]
Posts Tagged ‘risk management’
Information Lifecycle Management, the ignored EIM component
One of the less addressed areas of Enterprise Information Management (EIM) is the Information Life cycle Management (ILM). If you think about it Life cycle management touches key business areas especially regulated industries like financial services. IT is concerned with managing storage, application performance issues due to large volumes of accumulated historical data and the […]
Managing Compliance for a Frictionless Experience with Non-banks
We’re in for some interesting times ahead, as banks big and small start a delicate balancing act. For banks, there are rewards and sparkling new opportunities beyond their own branches, apps, and channels to partner with other companies: additional customer engagement, value-add retail services, the possibility for increased customer retention and brand recognition. Services such […]
Fast Company: Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Finance
Yesterday, Fast Company released their annual guide featuring the most innovative businesses with the greatest impact in their industry. The financial services industry was very well represented with innovative leaders in several major areas that are very much in a state of flux right now. The impact that some of these leaders have had on […]
Health Plans – Are you at Risk?
If you’re a Health Plan that doesn’t periodically “calculate” and assign risk to members, you’ve put yourself into a tight spot. This is a foundational activity, which drives care management and planning for your member’s future utilization. For capitated or fully insured offerings, this is a critical step in rate setting/premium determination. For self-insured plans, […]
Cornerstones for an Effective Information Risk Management Program
What is the threat? Aside from competition and operating efficiency, securing customer data is the one of the key priorities facing Financial Services today. From the regulatory perspective, protecting the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of your customer is a must while continuing to secure their related account information! From the payments industry perspective, operating agreements […]