Bayer recently launched its first Facebook ad. The ad also happens to be the first time Facebook has allowed a company to put important safety information (ISI) in a scrolling format, something that pharmaceutical companies have long been able to do in banner ads. In addition, the social media giant is also enabling drug companies […]
Posts Tagged ‘pharma’
Donate Your Exercise To Nonprofits Through Charity Miles
While watching football this past Sunday, I saw a commercial for Cisco in which the actor mentioned as a side note, “There’s even an app for clean water.” I ignore most commercials, but, being a tree-hugging hippie, that phrase caught my attention. So, I googled “clean water app,” clicked on a few things, and eventually […]
Top 5 Life Sciences Blog Posts From October 2016
Now that November is here, I thought it would be neat to look back at what our readers found most interesting last month. Below are the top five blog posts Perficient’s life sciences practice wrote in October – they’re ranked in order of popularity, with number one being the most viewed piece. Pharma Reps Continue To Struggle […]
Pharma Reps Continue To Struggle To Get Face Time With Physicians
A new study found that pharmaceutical sales reps are finding it more difficult to meet with physicians in person. Compared to 2008, when nearly 80% of physicians agreed to meet with most reps, now: 44% of physicians are “accessible,” meaning they meet with more than 70% of sales reps who pursue them 38% of physicians […]
[Next Week] Incorporating Digital Tech Into Clinical Trials
Innovative mobile technologies are continuously being introduced, and savvy life sciences organizations are taking note. Many of these technologies have the potential to drastically reduce the time and cost of clinical trials, from subject recruitment to data collection, not to mention likely create a boost in patient engagement. Examples of using digital technologies in clinical […]
How Jazz Uses Connected Health To Create Awareness And Demand
A recent conversation with a prospective client of ours prompted me to write this post. The client is looking at ways to improve the adoption rate of one of its products by a specific population because, for a variety of reasons, adoption by that segment has been slower than others. The solution to challenges like […]
What Connected Health For Life Sciences Means For You
It seems every company in every industry is talking about “going digital.” But, what does that really mean? At its heart, going digital is really just about relationships: relationships with customers, partners, team members, and the world at large. Since the introduction of mobile and digital technology, the ways in which we interact with others […]
What Are The Implications Of Not Complying With E2B(R3)?
In the European Union, the use of E2B(R3), along with IDMP, is in legislation, so not complying by the deadline could have legal repercussions. Non-compliance with the FDA and MHLW’s requirements could also bring unwanted scrutiny. More importantly, if an organization does not comply by the deadlines, they will not be able to send ICSRs […]
Do Commercially Available Safety Systems Comply With E2B(R3)?
Yes, some validated systems can comply with E2B(R3). With respect to Oracle Argus Safety, the current version, 8.0.1, is able to comply with E2B(R3), Electronic Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (eVAERS), and Electronic Medical Device Reporting (eMDR) reporting requirements. If a company is simply looking to meet E2B(R3) requirements, we advise waiting to upgrade until […]
Pfizer, Eli Lilly, And Roche Speak On Using Digital Health Tools
At this year’s MedCity CONVERGE, a two-day summit in which executives convene to discuss the future of innovation in healthcare and life sciences, digital was a hot topic. In a presentation titled “Digital Health’s Arrival (Or Not) In Pharma,” Dr. Naomi Fried, an expert on digital health innovation and past chief innovation officer at Boston […]
Does E2B(R3) Impact Companies With No Safety Reporting System?
The issue is not the type of system used to collect adverse event data, but rather how the data is submitted to the FDA, EMA, and MHLW. If an organization is using spreadsheets to collect safety data or is unable to transmit data via E2B, it will have to report the data via a web-based […]
What Is The Pathway To E2B(R3) Compliance?
Companies who are currently submitting reports using the E2B(2) format should already be planning the move to E2B(R3). If a robust safety and pharmacovigilance system is already in place, there are likely just a handful of technical changes that need to be made in order to meet the new regulations. For example, system configuration changes […]