My last blog highlighted how proper stakeholder assessments can provide efficient planning and strategies. My next installment in this series will explore meaningful training, and change management adoption. It’s frustrating when change management gets called upon to provide training, and only training, with the expectation that is the only thing required for the successful adoption […]
Posts Tagged ‘Organizational Change Management’
Stakeholder Assessments Drive Effective Planning and Strategy
Previously, I highlighted stakeholder management in a change management initiative and the benefit that comes with it. This blog will highlight how proper stakeholder assessments can provide efficient planning and strategies. At least once a week, I open my spam folder to find hundreds of messages. Sometimes I’ll briefly scan them before deleting, and other […]
Don’t Over-Look Stakeholder Management in Change Management
My previous blog analyzed executive alignment in a change management initiative. This blog will highlight stakeholder management in a change management initiative and the benefit that comes with it. Stakeholder management is the lesser known brother of the organizational change management heavyweights: communications and training. This is the area we most often overlook or choose […]
Executive Alignment is Critical to Change Management
My last blog analyzed change management. This blog will highlight executive alignment and how that benefits a change management initiative. Have you ever played on or seen a sports team where the coaches didn’t see eye to eye? Perhaps it was related to game strategy. Maybe skill techniques. Or what about as a child, when […]
3 Takeaways to Help Accelerate Value in Any Transformation
This blog series explores how change management can and should pay for your next project. Previously, I discussed how OCM paid for an ERP implementation. In this final post we look at three ways to accelerate value in transformation. Explicitly tie change management to business value (e.g., include business case analyses) Use change management to […]
[Guide] Change Management Best Practices from Real Projects
Organizational change management is about defining and driving behavioral changes to individuals, groups of individuals, and entire organizations. It’s about increasing user adoption. Now, change management theories look great on paper. Many practitioners have gone through classes, read books, and have even become certified in change management but still struggle with how to actually perform […]
A Look at How OCM Paid for an ERP Implementation
This blog series examines how change management can and should pay for your next project. My last post outlined the steps to develop behavior change. In this post I discuss how OCM can pay for an ERP implementation. Challenge and Opportunity A multi-state, utility company identified its purchase-to-pay (P2P) process as a candidate for value […]
4 Key Steps in Driving Behavior Change
This blog series examines how change management can and should pay for your next project. My previous post, I discussed how behavior change leads to value. In this post I dive into the steps to develop behavior change. Changing behavior starts with defining value and identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) that can tell stakeholders […]
Break the Tug-of-War Mindset with Polarity Management
Is it possible to serve two masters? According to ancient wisdom, we can only serve one master at a time. Otherwise, we will hate one and love the other. However, my manager often reminds me that by the nature of our work as external consultants in a publicly traded company, we must serve two masters. Our first master […]
Plan for Sustainable Change Management from the Start
I was watching the new Creed II movie, and in the film, an aged Rocky Balboa slowly climbs the same museum steps that he famously ran up and cheered at the top of in the iconic Rocky movie scene years ago. After he struggles to make the final steps, he celebrates that he’s still able […]
Driving Behavior Change Leads to Accelerated Value
This blog series examines how change management can and should pay for your next project. My past post, explored why some organizations don’t immediately realize the value of a business transformation. In this post I’m going describe how behavior change leads to value. Effective organizational change management is a complex undertaking, and leaders often fail […]
Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Organizational Alignment
Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. True alignment of your organization around digital ambition produces tremendous benefits. Communication, strategy, […]