With the dawn of every New Year, I am hopeful that I will keep my resolution to exercise, eat better and be more patient. This year, in addition to my “usual” resolutions noted above, I am also hoping that I can become an “engaged” patient. In fact, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my […]
Posts Tagged ‘mobile health’
Windows 8 and Surface are poised to disrupt healthcare
Microsoft just announced Rounds, a Windows 8 application that simplifies workflow for doctors and nurses within a hospital. This is innovation is disruptive and thoughtful. It epitomizes healthcare. Let me explain. Advances in medicine usually come about through the scientific method. When something works, it gets published and the rest of the industry benefits from […]
You talkin’ to me? Patients & Shared Decision Making
Even the most motivated patients do not always know how to better their health. The journey through personal health can be one wrought with anxiety and intimidation. The messaging is not always clear, and the direction provided by clinicians is not always easily understood. So, in a healthcare industry that is welcoming patients into the […]
Patient Self Tracking: From Skinny Jeans to Mobile Health
At the Connected Health Symposium in Boston I attended a session entitled “The ‘e’ is for Engagement: the Latest Research on the e-Patient Revolution” led by Susannah Fox (@SusannahFox). At this event, Susannah released new patient self tracking research for the first time. The results of her research showed that: 60% of adults track their […]
Top 5 Technology Trends in Healthcare – October 2012
The healthcare IT field is rapidly developing and changing. Emerging technology and updated regulations put pressure on healthcare providers and health plans to stay ahead of the curve. Perficient creates a monthly list that explores some of the current topics and issues in health IT. This list examines the most talked about issues and technologies […]
Changes in Healthcare From An Industrial Perspective
As the efforts to optimize efficiency while enhancing quality of patient care proliferates through many layers of regional, national, and international healthcare delivery systems, the industry as a whole can begin to develop parallel scenarios to assist in this process. This can include a comparison to other industries that have witnessed similar growth expansion dynamics […]
5 Great Infographics about Healthcare Technology
I have to admit it: I’m a sucker for infographics. They’re a great way to display what would normally be an overload of key facts and data in a concise, easy to digest manner. I’ve come across many related to healthcare IT covering many topics, from social media use to the currently trending topic of […]
The Most Compelling Case for Building Member Loyalty
I’ve been working on some projects lately where I am giving advice to health plans attempting to take advantage of market forces and grow their member loyalty strategies in kind. It’s not only my job to know our own target market (them) but also to be intimately familiar with their target market (you) as well. […]
Health IT: The Solution to Healthcare CIO Challenges
A recent article addressed some of the top challenges facing CIOs in the healthcare industry. Many of these challenges are created by the need to keep up with constantly changing regulations as well as addressing HIPAA security concerns. Here are a few of the top concerns of healthcare CIOs, and how health information technology can […]
Finding a Real Patient-Centric View in Kaiser Permanente
In healthcare consulting, we discuss the patient-centric view frequently. We want our EMRs, our clinical data repositories, and business processes to be patient-centric and focused on a complete view from that vantage point. On June 21st, I had the privilege of touring the new Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health located near Union Station in […]
Mobile Devices in Healthcare: Developmental or Distracting?
There has recently been a debate going on regarding whether advances in mobile health are helping or hurting patients. I read an article, How iPads Improve the Patient Experience, which gave one side of the story on how mobile technology can be a boon to treating patients. The article references a Mayo Clinic YouTube video […]
HIMSS 2012 Interviews: Key Healthcare Technology Trends [VIDEO]
Cindy O’Neill from Microsoft interviewed Perficient’s Martin Sizemore at HIMSS 2012 on accountable care, meaningful use, mobility, social media, cloud, portals and business intelligence solutions.